Second (or maybe third) playthrough of this game, this time on the Steam Deck. This gem is only 200mb, which is crazy. It packs more quality than a lot of games multiple times its size.

One of my favorite games. A rare game that was able to convey emotions through its gameplay mechanics. It still hits even after a second play-through.

I recommend playing through this in one-sitting for the best experience. It's around 3-4 hours long.

Had an amazing time with this game. Distinct art style; music was fantastic; combat is simple, yet, really engaging. Would recommend to fans of 2D Zelda games or isometric action-adventure games.

Very good game. Play it, as well as the first game.

Very good game. Play it, as well as the sequel.

Very influential for a reason. Good game.

A standout metroidvania title. Holds up very well almost a decade after it launched.

Amazing puzzle game with a sincere, heartfelt message. Reminded me of Journey, which is one of my favorite games.

Some of the puzzles I found to be challenging but never frustrating. The size and complexity of the maps were a welcome surprise; I didn't expect that from a small game.

Highly recommended.

Overall, I had a good time with this game; would recommend to fans of narrative-driven adventure games.

On a technical level, I wish the framerate was more stable in general, and there was one scene (mini-game) that caused significant slow-down for me. I didn't encounter any other bugs.

The music was mostly good, though there were times when they seem out-of-place and in conflict with the tone of the game.


Really chill and relaxing game.

Really chill and relaxing game.

I'm always down for more Sludge Life. I wish the game was longer, though.