The first game was great, one of my favorite metroidvania titles. This game surpasses it in almost every way.

There is so much quality and heart packed in this gem that few games can match. A remarkable game.

Shin-chan in Boku no Natsuyasumi style? I'm in!


Picked this up again on the Steam Deck after playing the hell out of it on Switch when it released. Truly a special game from one of the best studios out there.

A unique game. Gameplay is tedious but is overcome by amazing performances and fascinating stories/mysteries. The game surprises often - in a good way.

Every aspect of the game seems to have been meticulously crafted: themes, visual, atmosphere, sound. A gem that stands the test of time.

Short but effective game. The ending, specifically, was quite powerful. The Spirited Away inspiration is apparent and in a good way.

TLDR: I do not recommend this game.

I bought the game despite everyone saying that it's a broken mess because I'm stubborn and I like this type of games. I can confirm that the performance is very unstable and there are audio bugs. A year after release and the game is still in this sorry state.

Some positives to end this: I liked the alien invasion angle, the art style, sound and atmosphere.

Bigger and better than the first game. Amazing in a lot of different aspects such as visuals, atmosphere, world-building and music. If the controls were a tad more responsive, this would have been a 5.

Hades is Supergiant's best game (hopefully, the sequel tops it); but Transitor has always been my favorite. All the elements in this game come together to form an aesthetic and vibe that really speak to me. I wish they would make another game set in this universe.

A very good puzzle game that starts off simple and gradually increases in complexity. The game doesn't tell you anything - there's no tutorial at all, no words; but, somehow, it's all intuitive. Some parts towards the end became too tedious, though. Overall, I recommend this game to fans of puzzle games.

Don't look up anything about this game; just play it. It's priced fairly for what it offers. This game can be creepy, though, so if you're sensitive to that, be warned.

What a splendid little game. I love it when games are able to convey emotions through gameplay, like in Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. In this game, some of the puzzles change depending on the mood or feelings of the characters. I really liked the art style and the music was superb.

This game is Monsters Inc meets Undertale. It has its fair share of charm, humor, quirky characters and good music. Gameplay takes a backseat as there is heavy emphasis on story and dialogue. You get a turn-based combat with "Undertale quirks" and that's about it. The story is fine, it's how it was told that I have issues with. For the first half of the game it trickles enough information to string the player along. Towards the end, however, it's exposition galore. All I wanted was to finish the game but it won't let me; it just kept dragging on. Overall, I wanted to like this game more but the pacing and convoluted story kept me from getting there. I give it props for running so well on the Steam Deck, though.

Maybe the only game that gets a pass for being capped at 30fps.

The game is shorter than I remember, and everything relating to the fart mechanics suck. Other than that, the game is great, especially for fans of the show.