Parameters I've thought for a S&S selection of games

My original list of S&S games is here:

Except Bomberman 64, I haven't played the games of this list, which are potential candidates for a more thoughtful list. So, on an unrelated note, I've taken these parameters into account:

- Genre insularities.

- Auteurism/Companyism.

- Hardware-defined experiences (which could include the aesthetic look, from a pixelated vision to hiperrealist models).

- Taboo

- Range of liberty and what its derived freedom makes you do.
- Inescapable "softwareability" of video games.
- Sense of reward in video games / Currency in video games

- Social links with people/beings
- Limits of programmed behaviour in characters/animals or even in a world.
- Videogame lecture: how the camera works mostly in 3D spaces in order to read videogames. I think that goes beyond traditional direct interactions (by commands) and involves, too, the passive effects you'd experience during non-gaming, more reflexive moments of your daily routine.

- Friction/Action.
- Competivity with yourself/Competivity with other/s.
(not necessarily related)

These parameters are open to change, but I have to start somewhere. I'd like to expand on each one one of these days.

Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III
Cosmology of Kyoto
Cosmology of Kyoto
Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium
The Tower of Druaga
The Tower of Druaga
Black Tiger
Black Tiger
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress
Rance X: Showdown
Rance X: Showdown
Bomberman 64
Bomberman 64
Half-Life: Alyx
Half-Life: Alyx


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