369 Reviews liked by Lucaszxlbr

her: stop crying the tmnt2:bfts dogs can't hurt you

the tmnt2:bfts dogs:

Simplesmente do caralho. Não tenho o que dizer, esse é o jogo mais épico e virado no CARALHO que essa franquia teve até agora.

E de novo, a versão japa salvou a gente, esse jogo é tão maluco que na versão original além do continue infinito, ele tinha FUCKING BARRA DE VIDA, sim faz sentido toda a maluquice que é Hard Corps.

Dito isso, incrível, fiz o final D (outra coisa foda esse lance de rotas, da um valor replay bonzão) e foi tudo muito irado, bosses mais épicos e fumados da franquia, a ação mais desenfreada que vi em um run and gun na vida, é o suco do IRADO mais IRADO de todos os tempos.

esse jogo é tudo pra mim, sério. foi graças a undertale que conheci pessoas incríveis no pior momento da minha vida 🫂 sempre vou ser apaixonada por cada detalhezinho, cada ost cada momento tudinho amo dimais esse jogo

About damn time. Hard-boiled snowy John Woo worship with a slight air of sardonicism throughout. The "bullet time" mechanic it birthed is slightly janky now, but when it works, it fucking works. Don't miss this classic.

This is one of the best manga/anime games ever made and a frantic, rampantly customizable fighting game in its own right.

It may have been yet another generic entry in this franchise for some, but as to be expected, Mega Man 5 managed to satisfy all my needs and wants when it came to a mainline Mega Man game. It maintained the base gameplay, it was still as fast and fun as ever, the new additions like hidden collectibles and Beat the Bird were nice to see, the stages were fun to traverse through, and the weapons were a joy to experiment with… most of the time. So, naturally, because Capcom just couldn’t stop milking that cow, a sixth title was inevitable, and naturally, you would think that this entry would be released for the SNES, right? After all, it was on the market for a little bit now, and all the hottest, best selling games were on that system, so they would want to continue the mainline series there, right? Nope, that would only make too much sense, so instead, they kept this title on the NES, and just one year after the previous game, it would then be released as Mega Man 6.

As we reach the end of the “Meh” trilogy of Mega Man games on the NES, it was great to revisit this entry in the series once again. When it comes to Mega Man games on the NES, I tend to stick to the earlier stuff like Mega Man 1-3, as those are the games I am most familiar with of the 6, but I do tend to run through the latter half of the set every now and then, as there are still qualities of these games that I do admire over the others. Mega Man 6 in particular is the one I have played the least out of the original six, so I was happy to finally revisit it after a while, and thankfully, it is still a pretty great entry in the series. Yes, it is your standard Mega Man experience through and through, but there are some neat changes and additions that are unique to this title, and the gameplay still remains some of the best I have ever played on this system.

The story has a somewhat interesting setup, with there being a robot tournament that has all the victors reprogrammed by “Mr. X” to cause chaos all over the world, so naturally, Mega Man has to go stop them all, but of course, it all ends up being yet another Dr. Wily plot, so it is just another day at the office at this point, the graphics are exactly the same as the previous titles, but certain aspects about the game are improved and generally just look better, such as certain structures and animations being improved, in addition to the graphical style still holding up all the way to this day, the music is still pretty great, having plenty of kick-ass tunes to listen to while running and jumping through these stages, the control is the exact same as the previous Mega Man games, and it still works pretty well for the most part, although sometimes I have had trouble controlling the Jet Adaptor, but these were the only problems that I had with the controls, and the gameplay is exactly what you would expect from a classic Mega Man game, but of course, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The game is a 2D action platformer, where you take control of Mega Man, go through a set of stages in whatever order you want, followed by taking on Dr. Wily in his fortresses, run, jump, and shoot your way through plenty of enemies using whatever tools you have at your disposal, gather plenty of health items, ammo items, and extra lives to assist you throughout the game in plenty of challenging situations, take on the set of Robot Masters and bosses that the game has to throw at you, and gain new weapons from them to use to your advantage. I wouldn’t blame you for a second if you are starting to get sick of this same gameplay formula used over and over again, or if you have been sick of it for a while, as fundamentally, it is yet another Mega Man game with not much change to the core gameplay. But of course, I still love it all the same, and to give credit to Mega Man 6, just like other entries in the series, it does have several changes to the formula that hasn’t been seen in any other title.

Instead of having the typical Rush Coil or Rush Jet items that you had in previous games, you now have a selection of several Rush Adaptors to use instead, such as the Jet Adaptor, which will allow you to fly upwards for a brief moment to get to harder to reach areas, and the Power Adaptor, which gives you a charged punching shot that can break various objects like large blocks to reveal hidden goodies. I probably wouldn’t take them over the alternatives seen in other games, but for what they are worth, the Rush Adaptors are pretty great additions to the series, and they can be extremely helpful when the time comes. I especially love using the Jet Adaptor, because despite the control for it being a little wonky at points, it really does come in handy when I need to get to a certain area, get a pickup, or even save myself from death. Trust me, if you aren’t used to these games, that can happen more often than you think.

Alongside this, Mega Man 6 also introduces branching paths that you can find in normal levels, which can not only grant you new challenges and items, but it can also lead to additional exits that you can use to fight the robot master of the stage. Not only that, but finding these additional pathways can also get you several items to unlock Beat the Bird once again, so that is always nice to see. And finally, the last new inclusion in this game is the Energy Balancer, a new item you can get from Proto Man whenever you locate him in Tomahawk Man’s stage. When you have this, grabbing any ammo item will refill the weapon with the least amount of energy, even if you don’t have that weapon equipped at that point. It isn’t really that useful or necessary of a tool, but hey, it is more convenient, and I am completely fine with more convenience.

Despite all of these changes, there are some problems that Mega Man 6 has. Just like with the previous two games, it has the issue of unnecessary padding by including, you guessed it, ANOTHER hidden castle to take on after you clear through the initial Mr. X castle. Sure, again, the castle is fun to play through, but it doesn’t change the fact that it still doesn’t need to be there. In addition to this, some of the weapons you get from the bosses aren’t all that good, but that is to be expected. There are great ones in there, like the Flame Blast, Silver Tomahawk, and the Yamato Spear, but then you have stuff like the Blizzard Attack and the Plant Barrier, which I never use unless I am facing the specific boss that is weak to it. And speaking of which, there is also Plant Man. Nothing more I need to say about that, just……… Plant Man.

Overall, despite having the usual hiccups to be found in one of these games, as well as sticking to a gameplay formula that, at the time, fears the thought of change, Mega Man 6 is still yet another great entry in this fantastic franchise, and one that is a great send off to the NES era of Mega Man games. I would definitely recommend it for those who are Mega Man fans, as well those who are fans of old-school platformers in general, because like most of the other Mega Man games on this system, it is just pure fun through and through. And hey, look at that, they finally managed to make a good cover art for one of these games, finally! It only took them like, what……… 10 games or so to get it right. Let’s just hope none of the bad box-art makes any kind of comeback in the future, whether part of a Mega Man game or otherwise…………….

Game #396

qnd vc percebe q vc só morre se gritar, até pokemon da mais medo q essa porra

Épico, simplesmente épico. HeartGold é oq os jogos de pokemon deveriam ser nos dias de hj.

>> Prós
• REGIÕES : Kanto e Hoenn.
• MUITOS POKÉMONS : Simplesmente a dex com os pokémons das 4 gerações.
• POKÉMON SEGUE : Melhor adição e algo bem legal é o fato do primeiro pokémon do seu grupo te seguir, além de falar certas coisas ao interagir com o msm.
• GRÁFICOS : São bonitos para a plataforma.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Ethan/Gold e Silver.

while waiting for this game to fully release I have (in no particular order)
-hit puberty
-been to a psychiatric hospital
-lost my virginity
-had a nephew and a niece
-started developing games of my own
-joined a cult
-left a cult
-had about 11 boyfriends, girlfriends and other partners
-endured intense psychological trauma
-become a completely different person
-shaved my head
-grown dreadlocks
-shaved my head again
-grew my hair out
-read the entirety of Homestuck
-watched Evangelion
-watched lain
-played chaos;head
-played subahibi
-got really into denpa
-become a horror movie collector
-grown out of whatever phase i was in when i was into games like this
-learned french
-started learning japanese
-learned the banjo
-learned the ukulele
-learned the guitar
-learned the violin
-learned piano
-learned python
-learned HTML
-learned how to draw
-learned pixel art
-moved house 6/7/8ish times
-learned how to sew
-aged about 9 years
-played AA2 (which is basically yansim if it was good)
-played Daigaku Gurashi (which is basically AA2 with less boobs)
-seen several attempts at remaking yansim come and go
-been hospitalized
-drank alcohol for the first time
-smoked a cigarette for the first time
-been to a party for the first time
-been 2 years clean from SH
-seen the fnaf movie
-made a backloggd account
(and that's just off the top of my head)

Um jogo maravilhoso, até quem não gosta de RPG de turno vai amar esse.
História envolvente, tanto a principal quanto as secundárias, personagens cativantes, cada um com seu carisma.
A mecânica é incrível e os detalhes são muito bem feitos.

Picked this up when I started getting into the Neverhood titles, did not finish it because I was a dumb child who couldn't figure out puzzles.

i could write essays about this game, but i'll spare everyone and just say i've played dnd for years and despite so many fantastic releases in 2023, this is easily the game of the year, no question. i think that's about the best endorsement i could ever give for anything.

why do bad things (this game) happen to good people (me)

o cara acha que está em uma edit