Honestly, it's not perfect. But it's definitely a masterpiece.

Not perfect, but the masterpiece that is the previous versions is still here.

I could be honest and give it an 8. I could be unhinged and give it a 10. But I think I'll go straight down the middle

This is like the FF7 of modern gaming

Playing this game on a public bus didn't stopping me from bawling my eyes out at the ending

This game is so unbelievably interesting and influential, that I wish it was much better than it is.

I have a lot of nostalgia for this, but I feel like I'd find it boring if I went back to it

This is probably the worst official single player Zelda that isn't lost to time. There's no interesting plot or characters, the world is boring and uninspired in terms of both its design and its contents, there's no notable music, the bosses are awful, the bafflingly terrible changes made to the game feel and dungeon layouts done by Capcom are just as prominent here as they are in OoS, but by far the worst aspect is the dungeons. They use the same rotating center wall gimmick multiple times in both games, and by the end it just feels lazy. Speaking of lazy, yeah why not lock the boss key in dungeon 6 behind RANDOM CHANCE?????

Unfortunately this was a huge disappointment for me. Positive 1st though...
The soundtrack is amazing. The graphics go for a more simplistic pixel art style with no hard outlines and softer colors, and I think it looks unique and cozy. The world design is excellent. All the little details in each and every room feel meticulously thought out. The cast of characters are alright, but the protagonist specifically is adorable and endearing. Exploration is done pretty well, and there are a lot of great puzzles. The variety in tone is also huge plus.
That seems like a lot of positives so, what could possibly drag this game down?
The combat is AWFUL. There are so many bullshit systems at play that don't work well together at all. Nothing feels right. There's little impact from your attacks, but the moment your enemy attacks, you go literally flying and bouncing around the area like a fucking pinball. Why does my attack degrade over time? Why does it take up stamina? Why do I have to eat in real time when there's no real time to eat?? The bosses are genuinely the worst I have ever fought in a video game. Katash specifically is the definition of a shitshow. The story and its pacing are easily what pisses me off the most. It's objectively unfinished, has terrible setup, and has zero payoff. It makes YiiK and Metroid Other M look like works of Shakespeare, and it's something you can't just fix in an update.

Congratulations Capcom. You finally made a good Zelda game.