Metroid Prime is one of the greatest games ever made. The pacing, drip-feeding you items at just the right speed, is immaculate, the world design is a true evolution of Super Metroid in the third dimension, the immersion and atmosphere are both amazing, the controls, although strange by modern sensibilities, fit this game perfectly. There is only one criticism I can come up with and that is the fetch quest near the end of the game. It feels pretty padded out. Overall, recommended to everyone.

This one didn't really hit for me. Great looking, good story, but boring gameplay. I think the old GoW had much more variety, more exciting battles, deeper gameplay, and a much better pace. Thinking back on what stuck out to me about GoW 2018 and I can't think of much. The first battle with the stranger sets the tone extremely well but there's nothing that ever lives up to that again. Fighting the same troll 6 different times, all counting as a boss, is not my idea of memorable. This game may just not be for me.

I like Darksiders, but don't love it. It's got all the pieces, but they don't quite come together cohesively. It apes Zelda, Metroid, and God of War, but in trying to be so broad, it doesn't do any one particular thing as well as those. It's combat is decent, but lacks impact, opposite of God of War's simple yet punchy combat. It has a pretty good overworld with a cool aesthetic, but not nearly as fun to explore as Zelda or Metroid games. It's definitely a fun romp for fans of the genre.


One of my favorite games of all time!

Absolute hogwash. Play on console for the love of god.

This is definitely one of my favorite horror games of the past few generations. It's so gritty and the atmosphere is damn oppressive. Plus it has pretty unique combat. I found the story to be fantastic too, taking huge inspiration from Se7en.

Definitely some good things about it, like an expanded Luis subplot, knife parries, and the Krauser boss fights, but I find the overall atmosphere and charm of the original RE4 is gone. If I had to choose, I would pick RE4 over RE4R any day of the week.

What it gets right, it gets so right, but the hand holding tutorial-like nature of the entire story line just makes it a slog at points. The building portion is fantastic though!

Amazing game. Reused bosses kinda suck, but overall great. Kind of see this as an evolution of BOTW's open world formula. The underground portion of the map is genius. Many memorable locations and boss fights.

A master in environmental story telling and atmosphere. Plasmids are fun too! And a great story.


Remember liking it a lot, but don't remember much else. Need to replay.

I prefer the original compared to the still decidedly good remake. The atmosphere, pacing, and snappy gameplay make this still my prefered way to play.