Games I want to return to reassess

stealing this idea from kingbancho

most of these are games i played 5+ years ago that I feel would not even slightly match my tastes as of now, and are worth revisiting for that reason

This plus 999 I feel deserve me giving another shot. Honestly I'm probably going to just drop both halfway through the replay I imagine, but who knows maybe I'm more forward to Uchikoshi's wild ride
I was extremely uncharitable to the story within the first several missions. Felt like a slap in the face to everything I loved about PoR's story. Needs a more charitable lens from me
Someone showed me movement tech that made me think "yknow, i do want to vibe in Jerusalem again". In general, I want to give this series at least some proper due.
I gave it an extreme amount of shit after playing it for 45 minutes. I'm not even sure why. Maybe I was having a really bad day?
AutumnLily's review of this really threw in my face that my assessment of this at the time I played it was no thoughts head empty. Feel like I could come to appreciate a LOT more about this game, even if I don't find myself enjoying its combat loop on replay
i loved it as a kid. have to have one slot to exorcise those demons
Forever in the reassessment chamber until it finally clicks for me
I never understood why everyone says this is kino and I still don't. Because I don't have much ground to my feelings, it's worth going back to now that I care more about the aesthetic side and vibes of vidya
I swear to god you all i'm coming to all of your houses with a hatchet in hand if this shit isn't worth it
Could not vibe with the remaster. Or really much of what i played of the original. Going to push myself into a grounded understanding of why or maybe change


played this while riding the extreme video essay high of gameplay first.

that should give you everything you need to get why i'm revisiting
i grew up with the fucking Wii version
I've come to revalue everything I enjoy about fps games to an extreme degree. I used to be a massive Half-Life fan, so I figure coming back to this and the OG I'll understand what's changed more about me
this and XIII-2 both, were games I held at favorites, that are now a blurry mess in my head because I don't remember SHIT

1 Comment

3 years ago

It's best if you leave Sonic Heroes as a fond childhood memory.

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