VNs Ranked

Someone made a really good joke list of VNs people should play and that got my writing juices flowing on ranking all the VNs I've personally played.
Using loose definitions of the genre, please no semantics. Likely if it's on vndb I included it here

Ever17: The Out of Infinity
Ever17: The Out of Infinity
Dropped it like a hat due to its grating prose. Potentially not deserving of its placement here, but I have run out of charity for anything Uchikoshi.
This only counts Extra, not Unlimited. There is very little to talk about here, other than what you see is literally LITERALLY what you get.
Daibanchou: Big Bang Age
Daibanchou: Big Bang Age
See Rance.
Fate/Stay Night
Fate/Stay Night
Unga bunga I soyed out when the main character fought a shell of his own self and went upon an idealistic journey of understanding what 'ideals' even are, as well as teaching any other person how they can understand the juxtaposition of heroism. There are some things we fight for without much logical ground, holding to emotional truths and while a lot of that is in genuine error, sometimes we were never really wrong.

Also I just love every single character here, sincerely. Like jeeeez
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Humble beginnings. Its charm is great but the talk around this entry in particular makes it genuinely the Ocarina of Time of VNs. Similarly, I don't really particularly care for it, but I moderately enjoyed myself. Take it otherwise as you will.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Some text essay on the final case inserted here. The thematic pacing of it all is a poor roller coaster that dips and rises in a weird order but this entry of AA only appreciates for me, even with its worst elements.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
God this one is talked too much but it's not like it doesn't deserve it personally. I would go apeshit too when a series that kept throwing itself on lukewarm to garbage writing suddenly rights itself on an extremely powerful understanding of how we pursue truth. Anyone who likes 3-3 is worthy of scorn, but otherwise I have nothing but praise for the rest of it.
Sengoku Rance
Sengoku Rance
I've only played this and brutal king of the rance series. I don't feel like I need to elaborate on why it's this low. Take your best guess
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
I have softened on the last case, which remains to this day to be complete fucking character assassination and awful storytelling to me, but overall it's a very good read. The first case is worth the full price of admission really, but the genuine tone and solid character writing throughout the story is good too.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
God this is so bad. I played this with some AA burnout to be fair, but I don't really think that personally changes how self-serving but lifeless the whole venture here is. There's maybe a good case here with somewhat interesting storytelling but it's buried in trash, garbage, and awful conspiracy
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
The themes of this one are honestly a mess when you think about how characters sidestep consent and the conspiracy is mostly played thriller.

That doesn't really change that every step of this puzzle slaps hard
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Cardboard cutouts remark on the ills of man and search for hope in a university of trashy writing, saved by the bell of its pacing and unique vibes.
The Fruit of Grisaia
The Fruit of Grisaia
Putting this on here feels like i'm inches away from a minefield, much less having it this high. Katawa Shoujo but with actual writing isn't really enough when even a slight gander at the marketing of this could raise eyebrows.

I don't think I have the time to make a full thesis on why I particularly love this story, its characters, its exploration of trauma that has helped me cope with some and helped me understand others in a similar vein, or its strong foundation on romantic relationship. So you'll just have to trust my word on this one.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru
To the Moon
To the Moon
I used to like this one :(
Now that I've read more romance what's here feels extraordinarily shallow and abusive. I can't blame the writers much though for whatever reason, as there's heart in spades. It's just misguided.
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
what 0 pussy does to a mfer.

talking about the writer here, not the story
Analogue: A Hate Story
Analogue: A Hate Story
It has barely anything to it, and I'm p sure whenever I read Fata Morgana it's going to trump this VN and then some in terms of themes, but it's a somewhat enjoyable story describing how cultural society buries its garbage misogyny with deeply rooted sexism across generations of harm and foul disgusting play.
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
The whole ZE series I put right here. I do not care for creative writings on plot structure when the themes are baked in bland subtext and rudimentary explorations of poorly written characters. Like DR I can admire the insanity, but it lacks even less of a heart for me to care.
The Labyrinth of Grisaia
The Labyrinth of Grisaia
Exploration of romantic life after "the scene" where characters who are now firmly together get to explore and GROW further together with each other is really small, which only makes me appreciate this more. I'm approaching my third anniversary in my own relationship with my SO, and I continuously look at this piece to pull ways of making her happy as I am with her. A genuine thoughtful continuation.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
The more time passes the more I kind of detest the vibes of this otherwise alright adventure. I can somewhat still admire the insanity to this entry, and some of the casewriting still hits, and there's a few characters I've had a tumblr-esque love for at some point or another. While I don't think it's entirely worth recommending still, you can do with a lot worse if you're not already put off by the fandom
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Comfy vibes and earnest conversation amongst those of us in the backwaters of life. It doesn't have much to say, but it certainly gets to me very easily.

Jill is me
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Doki Doki Literature Club!
There is no more interesting things to be said about DDLC
What starts as an interesting furry dive into a culture you barely see much media on turns into a fucked up avenue of nonconsensual forcible brainwashing. And no, I'm not just talking about the ending to one character here, the WHOLE thing is complicit with forcing people into ends that they expressively didn't want initially. Could genuinely be seen as religious propaganda by some.
Heaven Will Be Mine
Heaven Will Be Mine
Trans gang trans gang trans gang
Baldr Sky
Baldr Sky
I sort of wish I had other people who played this that I could talk about the story with because admittedly I haven't dived too deep (pun intended) into the machinations of the themes here. I think the characters and story are still profusely great if at least enjoyable, but the combat is genuinely the mainstay. It's certainly a cheating example on this list, but holy shit setting up my own infinite and combo and the constant push on positioning and excellent enemy design is SO good.


3 years ago

How kinetic is Fate/stay night? 'cause it has an anime and I'm wondering if that's a worthwhile substitute.

3 years ago

Also, no We Know the Devil?
There’s no gameplay outside route decisions, but the anime adaptations of the first two routes are pretty bad and skip over a lot of stuff. Oddly enough, the Heavens Feel movies are otherwise pretty strong substitutes. But with the first two routes being complimentary at best, I’d just recommend reading really.

I’ve yet to read WKTD. I read Heaven Will Be Mine first and I SWEAR I’ll get to WKTD sometime within the next month

3 years ago

I'd like to get around to reading that and Umineko: When They Cry but I feel like they're destined to be wishlisted forever because there's just too much other stuff for me to wants to spend hundreds of hours on visual novels :(

If you like We Know the Devil, I also really like 2 other pillowfight games, Ghosts of Miami, and Later Alligator! Although they are more just fun ones as opposed to HWBM and WKTD's more serious and philosophical style.

3 years ago

Why do both Fate and Umineko have fighting games though? lmao

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