This game got announced when I was like twelve, was super stoked for it after enjoying elements of the original. The Tax and Slash style of beat the brains out of zombies, to steal there orange Spiked Walking Stick was a thing of it’s time. Dying light felt like the evolution adding an open world with parkour elements which I found to be thoroughly enjoyable. This feels like a regression to be honest, mind numbing popcorn fun is what this game feels like.

Three hour burst sessions at most, you’ll have zero interest in the story. It’s got one of the worst endings of the year, it took so long to make I am now paying taxes. So the excitement for this game wasn’t ‘Oh my god they’re bringing back Dead Island’ it was ‘Wasn’t that meant to come out like 7 years ago?’ It’s a strange title, it shines I guess in the fact it’s absolutely absurdly gory? But even then it feels like your hitting them most of the time with a stick cause they all take multiple hits to go down. Even if I have a curved vortex shaped fire sword crafted in the flames of the Carthus Rouge!

Yeah it’s alright, take it on with a buddy 👬

If this was December 21st 2020. It’s a one, total garbage piece of suit. Today is nearing 2024, it’s pretty fucking spectacular when you soak the atmosphere this game illicits. Felt special atleast to experience this game finally as it’s intended!

I’m struggling whether to decide on giving every Soulsborne 5 stars or be slightly brutal. If the latter is the case, this is still five stars. One of the Four Horsemen, Mt. Rushmore or the facking avengers idk it’s an all time great. Probably the greatest exclusive ever to grace a single console…?

My first, may very well always be the greatest in my eyes. I can acknowledge the technical prowess and culmination of the soulsbornes mechanics with Elden Ring. Something about this game will always feel lightning in a bottle, uncertain of success but bold nonetheless led to an absolute timeless artwork.