A Horror game by the creator of Dead Space that reminds me more of Lost Planet than Dead Space.

Just another Cliché AAA game that brings absolutamente nothing interesting to the table, horrible performance, shit Enemy Design, cringe Dialogues, shitty crafting mechanic, an below average horror game in an era where the genre is at full steam at the market

Ragnarok is far from a bad game, but it overstayed it’s welcome with this “modern Sony” formula.

Overall God of War Ragnarok is just “okay” and was carried by spectacular graphics, animation and it’s own name, unfortunately, disappointing.

We are Mega Man Zero 3

Truly a masterpiece of a game

I really enjoyed the level design and easier to lear mechanics compared to the first game, a truly enjoyable experience

From the creator of Castlevania SOTN and AoS, Bloodstained is another masterpiece from Igarashi, extremely charming game, specially crafted for the Igavania fans bringing back an amazing OST from the same people who made SOTN OST, Bloodstained Rotn is nothing more than a Love Letter for the Metroidvania fans.

A Love Letter to the now dying Classic Survival Horror Genre.

Tormented Souls is heavily inspired by the RE1 Remake art style and gameplay but with the Silent Hill atmosphere, Puzzles and plot.

It's nothing close to those classic games, but an extremely fun experience, with nice puzzles, awesome enemy designs and level design.

It has a horrible performance on PS5 tho

The new aiming mechanics are so fucking trash, that is almost impossible to aim at what you want, unplayable fucking version of this game

Longer than it's predecessors, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 overstays it's welcome.

Besides that, XC3 is a Love Letter for the XC1/2 fans, reuniting mechanics and narratives from both of these games and trying to get it to perfection.

It got some rough edges here and there like the rest of the franchise, but it's another incredible game, it tackles daily life themes in super dramatic and over the top way, but good nonetheless, with likable characters, the best Action RPG combat mechanics in the market and a heartwarming ending.

It fails to meet the Replayability of XC2 unfortunately.

I'm truly happy to see such a good and stable JRPG franchise in terms of quality, can't wait to see what is next for Xeno franchise.

20 minutes of unskippable end credits.


CD Projekt Red should be thanking the Media and YouTube for making people think that bugs and last gen version of the games were Cyberpunk's only problem.

The game is trash, horrible, easily one of the worst things I've ever played and the worst cyberpunk media i ever consumed.

• Pathetic history
• There is absolutely no good characters, even V and Jhony Mão de Latão are horriby
• Main Campaign is a BD and "follow the NPC simulator
• Boring and empty dialogues
• Night City is artificial as any of the Ubisoft Open World games
• NPCs purposely take long to delivery the second part of it's questlines with the only intention of inflating game time
• Absolutely nothing to do in the Open World, a game empty as a fucking Prototype game would be
• BUGS, YES, after 2 years of the release date and a next gen versiom of the game, this shit is buggy as an Bethesda game.
• NPCs sometimes don't apear and you have to reload a save
• Visual Bugs
• Enemy's A.I can randomly stop working
• The last mission of the game bugged for me because an enemy was simply immortal so the game wouldn't progress
• The "cyberpunk" is just a generic and bland aesthetic for the game
• it's absolutely not a RPG

By the end, this is a fucking joke, it's the worst type of bad game, the one that is frustrating, dull and the only thing keeping it for being forgetful is the fucking 8 years marketing scheme.

BUT, here, 2 good things about the game:
• Amazing gunplay, honestly, shooting things feels really good here.
• The skill tree allows the players to have different play styles.

The best game Ubisoft has made in the past 8 years or so, the problem is, the game itself is not even that good.

All things considered, maybe in a possible sequel, we could have something actually pretty cool, that differs itself from the Botw

I hate super hero games.

This one is pretty tho

It looks like a fucking Blizzard game, the hud and menus are worse than the original, honestly, it looks and feels like a knock-off Souls game... Is it to much to ask for a normal remaster?