This game is a broken piece of shit. It's a masterpiece. The final iteration of Street Fighter 2 is truly a joy to play. There is a reason why it is still played competitively today. The music is iconic, the sound effects and animations are charming and stand out. The game was a blast back in the day and in the modern Fightcade era it is also a doozy. Simply amazing. The Jimi Hendrix of fighting games.

It's the highest quality 2d platformer on the Snes accompanied by DKC2 and Yoshi's Island. What more can I say? The music, sprite art and level design is incredible. Not to mention the secret levels are challenging and lovely. Great game! I can't recommend it enough.

WoW Classic consumed most of my life during the pandemic. The game is charming but most of the people that play it at a high level are cunts, to be frank. "If you don't have a bloodrage cancel macro at this stage of the game you should be embarassed" uttered the skillful, 12345 pressing raid leader. It's a circlejerk but the world itself is incredibly charming. It's tough for me to appreciate this game for what it is because the people I surrounded myself with were genuinely mean spirited fucks in order to be "competitive". I regret not being a part of a more casual circle of players but even when I attempted that during the burning crusade I had a bad time. I just don't like the gameplay loop at endgame but leveling is fun. I leveled four characters to maximum level with no boosting bullshit.

I made good friends too though. And those friends really accompanied me through lonely times. I think on that basis alone there is a lot to salvage with my WoW experience but the negative certainly opaqued the positive.
I love this game but I also think it's hot trash. I can't really recommend it even though I enjoyed it.

This game is incredible. The ambience established, cryptic storyline, the daunting and mysterious world you're thrown into. It's an amazing experience that I fully recommend to video game enjoyers. It is also not nearly as tough as people make it out to be, granted it's still a challenging game!

It is the beat street fighter when it comes to the aesthetic aspect. The pixel art is gorgeous. The music is fantastic. Even though I don't appreciate the parry system like other fighting game enjoyers I definitely love watching the game. Cooperation cup is incredible. This game is beautiful.

Classic Platformer. It plays super smoothly, the audio effects are incredible and the music remains as one of the most iconic soundtracks in the history of videogames. Worth everyone's time.

This is a charming game for its time. I love the voice acting on the orc's side but only being able to select four units at a time feels incredibly clunky. I still have to respect what they were going for.

This is actually fun and aged reasonably. It's a clear prequel to Starcraft. Ordering units around is clunky but it has its chsrm just like Brood War. I appreciated it lots. This was certainly a step in the right direction coming from Orcs and humans. The oil resource and boat units weren't that fun to play with however.

I appreciate the concept and perhaps it would've been a lot of fun to play back when it was released but having to reset the level every time one of your vikings dies is such a clunky mechanic. They could have made checkpoints of sorts. I get that the pacing is supposed to be slow but I just think it plays far worse than a regular platformer.

It did everything the original did but better and with more content. Rivaled only by Super Mario world in terms of SNES platformers. Fuck the animal level, it's great.

The weakest game of the trilogy. Baby Kong sucks. The levels aren't nearly as memorable as the original two games and the soundtrack is also the most lackluster. Also dude, Dixie and Diddy used to jam out to their instruments when finishing a level and in this one you just raise a lame flag.

This game is a piece of shit. If you have a friend it's a blast though. You'll laugh a lot. Chris fucking up the rock at the end is brilliant.

It's a fun videogame. I dislike how much they simplified the systems. Accent core and Xrd are far more fulfilling to play for a guy like me. The lack of air teching, thw juggle system, the new version of burst and YRC are all good reasons to dislike it. Then again, it's a fighting game and its depth is endless so long as there are two people playing it. Fun but not for me! It will remain as a fun game to me but it won't be in the Mt. Rushmore of fighting games.

This is one of the modern titles that I have invested the most of my time into. It's a great game to play with friends. It has changed a lot since it's release and it definitely feels more polished. The music is also really great!

This game was incredible as a kid and a treat as a teenager. I have probably put the most hours into this game and WoW. All the advanced techniques are incredibly fun to learn and apply in matches. There is a reason why people have been grinding it for so long, just like Super Turbo. It's not for everyone but there's the new smash games for people that don't want to put in the time to grind a fighting game. Every aspect of this game is incredible to me.