I’ll give 5 stars when I get 32 heat completion - I love this game to bits from its soundtrack to visuals and addicting gameplay

i don’t care for the management because of how demanding and boring it was - the dungeon crawling was neat

visually appealing game with a simple story to follow along - addicting gameplay that corresponds to the music so you always have to stay on your toes for style points

disco elysium

i started this game as hah drunk man detective and it spiraled in every direction from political and philosophical stances that can influence just about every conversation i have with anybody
it’s literally such a work of art i’m gonna dick ride this game for a bit so thanks for being here
the amount of well voice acted dialogue is insane there’s so much to discover
the soundtrack is melancholy i just want to sink to the earths core and melt on the painted canvas that is this beautiful art style
whenever shit gets real it gets real
you are the main character, you’re a name that you may or may not discover and you uncover a mystery about yourself you wish you didn’t because you realize how big of a fuck up you are but that’s just disco baby
this dungeons and dragons without combat is so powerful it’s so evidently a work of passion and effort with the ridiculous paths you can take just to get something as simple as cigarettes
this games trailers i don’t think do it justice, there’s so much to uncover you can’t see it in a 2 minute timespan without spoiling or ruining the bends and turns that is this story
please play this game it’s so worth it beyond belief i think everybody should experience it
i feel so empty and so fulfilled at the same time
it’s so beautiful how it depicts everything emotionally and socioeconomically
it’s unreal - it’s only may and there’s plenty of games to get through including the ones not out yet but this might be my game of the year

there’s an immense of replay ability with so much to discover

finger guns

i wish i spent more time in it - ridiculously great drama with even more addicting side content

fun stuff, a little too lewd but the music and set pieces were really engaging

Gameplay flows like butter - very anime game so that can be cringe at times but the soundtrack and art style are such winners here - I wish atlus made a more consistent story timeline with its other spin-offs - biggest turnoff is how the confidants don’t directly impact the story so they don’t narratively matter

slick fun and a huge improvement to everything before - left me really motivated

I gotta play the first 2 to get what’s all the hubbub but it’s easy to pick up and what’s here is really awesome - the exploration is so fun and the dlcs are just a whole game within the game - speaking of, GWENT is incredible so good they made it a whole standalone

as an re fan i’m not too into 7&8 - primarily the first person mode i think it’s a slog but the game was cool it’s definitely a modern take on their horror formula so it’s cool but idk i wasn’t about the story either


this game rocks but got repetitive

I haven’t played this in like 10 years - but I remember really liking the character banter and soundtrack - fun gameplay loop - small town murder stories rock