One of my favorites and an easy recommend for anyone with a Playdate, but I do think the difficulty is tuned a little too hard. I've gotten almost every single upgrade and still never managed to see the second boss, but I pass the first boss literally every time. I just gave up on ever getting to the end. It's fun though.

Wildermyth is just behind Baldur's Gate 3 for me in terms of replicating the feeling of a TTRPG, but while Baldur's Gate does it with a high budget and intricate combat and interactions between a well-designed party, Wildermyth recreates the feeling of watching a table of PCs change as they move between sessions. It's really cool.

There are a lot of campaigns to play through and they're pretty okay as stories, but the highlight of the game is the way you'll grow attached to your collection of randomly generated heroes and watch as they go through randomly designed arcs of their own and with each other. Long campaigns will have your starting characters grow old and sometimes retire while leaving behind children to continue as new characters or having trained the next generation. My favorite feature is that at the end of a campaign you can turn your characters into 'legacy characters' allowing them to keep appearing in future campaigns. Eventually you'll have built a full cast of mythological heroes who all cross over between eachother's (sometimes incompatible) stories like a proper myth. It's really cool!

The new Rougelite mode is pretty neat although i'm maybe having the most trouble with it's story mode. The writing in this game is generally good but occasionally falls into unfunny memes or long tangents into unreasonably self serious complicated lore that makes me want to turn off the game and nap.

It's a functional way to play MTG online and it's pretty generous with giving you plenty of cards without spending money. For some reason WOTC wants to do this online-only version of MTG called 'Alchemy' that's totally worthless and bogs down the actual game everyone wants to play and that's really annoying sometimes.

This is the best version of MTG so it's got all the flaws actual MTG has but otherwise, yeah, it's fine.

So credit where it's due, it's actually a fun little game. Animation and aesthetics are cute. Combat is just interesting enough to not get boring. I appreciate phone games that are built around portrait too so that's nice.

I stopped because the game pretended to be free, then asked for me to either watch at least 10 ads back to back and keep watching ads every session, or pay $7 to unlock the full game. That's an okay system but I gotta be real, this isn't worth $7.

There's a parallel timeline where Gameloft are one of the most beloved developers in the industry. Every single time I play a Gameloft game i'm blown away by how fun they are to play and how good they look and how they run really well on basically any hardware. They're a really impressive studio.

They also have some of the most aggressive microtransactions in video games, and they're not subtle about it. Most free games kind of slowly lure you into a cash-based grind but Gameloft literally jumps directly into the deep end. It sucks. This game is really fun but it has the exact same awful monetization as the Asphalt games.

I hear if you play the local mode it actually unlocks all the characters and stages and you can just play it like a free Mario Kart alternative and I do think that's actually really nice. If you wanna check this out, do it for that.

Played this in 2016 when it was new. Heard about some Paper Mario event going on it in through and thought maybe I'd missed this game actually receive major updates and decided to check it out again.

No? They've added like a handful of cosmetics for your overworld in the 8 YEARS since launch? Like not even a single new level huh???

Anyway this game is okay. The asking price is too much for how few levels there are.

Excited to see where this one goes but finding the current early access build more frustrating than fun. The gunplay feels incredible and is a blast to play though, but you only spend maybe a third of your time doing that. The other two thirds is spent wandering around samey looking environments looking for a button you didn't notice or doing very mediocre puzzles. Please let me enjoy the actual core of this game. Gonna check back in closer to 1.0.

It's like Slay the Spire but a little bit simpler and pirate themed. On Android to get more playable characters it's kinda grindy. It's pretty good though.

Outside of some very minor gripes with ways that updates/monetization has been used (seriously why all these world tour cosmetics please add actual costumes and color palettes) I have absolutely no complaints about this game. It's the perfect fighting game in my book. A great single-player campaign, stellar online play with fast matchmaking and a wide variety of skill in the userbase. The modern mode finally let me get to the core of what makes Street Fighter fun in a way I've never felt able to and being able to use Modern controls online with no restrictions is fantastic. It's visually great, the whole cast (besides Lily) are winners. It's great!!

This one was a surprise to me. Really underrated. It's a simple mostly text-based RPG with some dark fantasy lore that's kinda fun. Totally free and only opting-in to ads or paying a small one-time fee to remove them. It's really cool. Definitely going to be moving to the prequel and after that excited to play the sequel that's currently in development. Would really recommend this.

A really fun dlc, but really lacking compared to the previous Octo Expansion or Splatoon 3's own campaign both in terms of content and storytelling. Seeing Nintendo take a swing at a rougelite gamemode is really interesting though.

I actually played this when it was brand new because I thought it looked like some mindless action RPG fun but found it to be so unstable and bogged down in game-as-a-service bull that I ended up refunding it. Turns out while I was away the publisher let the whole game die and just gave up one it. This is usually where a game like this would just vanish but these devs did something really admirable. They took back their game and totally reworked it into a normal-ass video game!

It's still just a generic mediocre action RPG but I never really needed it to be anything but that. The way this game has transformed though really speaks to how monetization and live service integration is ruining so many games. This game should have been lost forever but instead there's actually something pretty fun here. I'm having a good time just running around doing some serviceable action combat and picking up loot and exploring a decently sized open world. It's good!

I really hope we see more free2play bombs go this route.

I've only put in a handful of hours, but I feel like it's a real shame this game seems so unnoticed by the larger gaming space. Tower Unite fills a similar niche to games like VRChat but it does it with all these highly polished minigames and coop experiences that are really fun. For how cheap this game is, you're functionally getting a social hub, a full Super Monkey Ball game, a great arena shooter, a full arcade simulator, a full casino simulaor, a full mini-golf game, and tons of more compact but still very worthwhile games. It's really cool. It reminds me of spending time of websites like Club Penguin or Neopets back in the day. Going between talking to random people to playing minigames and buying stuff to customize my space. It's nostalgic. Highly recommend.

Really clever mix of Slay The Spire style deckbuilding and a word-building game like Scrabble. Outside of not using the crank for much, it's a perfect playdate game. It's really tough, but feels fair.

It's a perfect minigame. Really funny, easy to play. Definitely going to be my go-to demo game for Playdate.