April, 2024


8/22, daytime. Honestly nothing crazy to report this time around. I did hit the fifth border floor in Tartarus though
We’re almost done with the S category, so close to cleaning up the entirety of all the songs I have downloaded

March, 2024


Explored the Lost Hotel (guess I’m not cool enough to challenge the boss) and Route 16 (which is a pretty good route by the way)
8/18, daytime. Mitsuru really signed us up for summer school, smh. At least I got a chance to go to the summer festival with her an Aigis, though my man Makoto had ZERO drip and just went in his normal clothes. Koromaru has finally joined the team, and by god everything he does is SO CUTE AAAAAAAAAAA
Genuinely been having so much fun with beat saber lately, might play again later lol


Made it to Dendemille and bought a fresh ass outfit in Laverre
8/7, daytime. Just finished the Chariot and Justice fight, that was honestly sick. We fought a giant goddamn tank. And the separation mechanic was pretty cool, and shit they did a lot of damage. And now Strega has revealed themselves. I’m honestly really interested in seeing how they proceed from here, fighting Persona users sounds really cool
Holy fuck me and a friend 2 manned Warlord’s Ruin blind…it took us four hours I’m so fucking proud of us.


Beat the Laverre gym and cleared out the Poke Ball Factory


Made it through Route 14, currently sitting like one room away from Valerie at the Laverre Gym
At this rate I might finish my quest to play every song I own by the end of April


I beat the Lumiose Gym (really easy) and now I’m starting to realize that I don’t know which of my Pokémon I want to replace with Goomy
7/31, evening. Made it to the floor 91 (maybe 92?) border floor, which I think is actually more than the average player at this point. Aigis in combat is awesome, and apparently Koromaru can use a Persona. What a good boy!


7/25, dark hour. Made it to Tartarus floor 77 and man oh man am I glad to not have to see Arqa all the damn time now. Also Aigis has a cool attack animation

Cleared the Kalos Power Plant of Team Flare and evolved my Braixen into Delphox. Also made it to Lumiose and started exploring the city. I love the scale of it and wish we could get cities like this more often


Defeated the Courmarine gym…that’s kinda it lol. My Honedge evolved too
7/23, evening. Yukari is slowly becoming my favorite character, it was rough watching her snap at Mitsuru and Makoto over her grief at finding out the true circumstances of her father’s death. But that hug at the end…my heart. God there’s nothing like a hug after an emotional moment that gets me feeling emotional myself. We also picked up chicks…and while Junpei and Akihiko have no game, Makoto evidently has W Rizz given how Aigis reacted to him lmao. Honestly I wasn’t enjoying that sequence but it was all worth it to see Akihiko’s perplexed reaction to Aigis hugging Makoto. Hilarious


Made it to Courmarine and began training on Route 13
7/20, daytime. Man I was so pumped to see if I aced finals and then I see finals grades get announced after Yakushima lmao. Also really happy to see Junpei apologize for being rude to Makoto, though I totally get where he’s coming from. Currently at the Yakushima beach, though it took me a while to figure out what I actually had to do to advance the game lmao
I’m still going through all my songs btw. On the M’s right now, I’d say I’m about halfway done
Got me Verglas Curve catalyst ehehe


Quick three song set (Kool-Aid, Rain, and ECHO) before I hang with friends


7/11, evening. Was camping so I didn’t get a chance to play for a few days. Today I beat Hierophant and Lovers, which was a crazy fight especially since I didn’t expect Lovers to be as difficult as it was. Lovers sent Makoto and Yukari into a love hotel room which was equal parts amusing and disconcerting. Also Junpei is super cold to Makoto now which really sucks to see, I just wanna ask him if he’s alright but I can’t :( And I also learned of the Kirijo Group’s involvement in Tartarus and the twelve major Shadows’ creation…just sucks that we have to be the ones to clean up their mess. Terrible thing to have a burden placed upon you that you never asked for, and you just have to suffer through. Yukari is rightfully upset


I’ve defeated Korrina, both in her gym and on the Tower of Mastery, and for my efforts I was granted a Lucario that I have no plans to use. Funny enough I don’t plan to use ANY megas, not for difficulty’s sake but just because I like other Pokemon more lol. Currently lost in Azure Bay being swarmed by Tentacool