An arcade journey through the mysterious world of Texas.

I can't believe there was a whole trend of games where everything was just grey and brown.....and we thought it looked good?!

A simple game that mostly gets by on its charm. A solid recommendation if you are looking for a light hearted game to break up your Halloween Horror-fest.

The perfect game for my brother and I to blame the other for when we die!

An excellent Crash game but beware those who try to 100% it. It's a nightmare.

Better than Crash of the Titans but I will never forgive them for these redesigns.

A fun sequel and a solid Game Boy adventure.

The first official Crash and Spyro crossover.

It's weird playing an official product that feels like it is off brand.

It's Crash 2 again but with some less than stellar vehicle levels.

"Hey plumber boy, mustache man, your worst nightmare has arrived!"