This review was written before the game released

Feels too floaty and clunky for me to like it

hate the plane and boat segments I just want to race cars

My favorite arcade game in Yakuza Kiwami 2

I want to understand this game, I really do
I must be fucking up something royally somehow because I can't get past even the first island and it just makes me sad
I'll do like 2 or 3 missions flawless and then lose everything and I feel like a fucking idiot

cringekino is back on the menu baby


it's like zelda for people up their own ass

unmatched arcade racing excellence, top tier presentation and one of the best osts of all time
this truly is real racing roots 99'

looking good can't save a shit game fuck that 1 guy I talked to in college that recommended I get this

OH my god where do I start with this,
the dungeons are all bland and while in wild arms 2 I never really got stuck on a puzzle 3 has a lot of "should have got the strategy guide" tier bullshit in it, oh yeah shooting ice at a window you can't see will make those orbs glow down there! fantastic!
The battles suck as you don't build up fp enough to be able to do anything cool in normal fights and like 90% of the time your normal attacks do more than your spells would anyway
The fights are very poorly balanced, all the fodder enemies hit like trucks and the game spawns like 4/5 in for each battle, while also rewarding you with almost nothing for winning (the only meaningful way of gaining xp and money is through bosses so you better hope a party member didn't end the fight dead or you're restarting the game or having a huge setback for them)
Since your heal does like 150 while enemy attacks usually do that much or more hope you like dying alot if you can't kill the enemy in 2 turns. No meaningful reason to fight trash mobs which explains why they put a fight cancel system in the game, in wild arms 2 you could skip any fight with a white exclamation point above your head but for some reason a dumb fuck at decided to limit how much you could do that and give NO WAY to run from enemy encounters. You can't buy healing items either so better hope you farmed a bunch of them off enemies in the beginning of the game because later on enemies will hardly ever drop enough berries to keep up with your need to have your party not fucking dead all the time.

A fucking dumpster fire of a game no wonder wild arms fucking died

game invalidated my build for a boss fight idk if I'm gonna take the time to actually grind that out it was a fun time tho

Only got as far as beating Sakuya on normal but this was fun and I love early touhou art

Played this with a friend last night and it was pure joy

missed a pass on one of the cancerous sea levels and was not going back through all that

the town levels are awesome though

Finished this a bit ago and gave myself some time to marinate my thoughts on it

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Dark Souls is that this game makes a very compelling world. Each area feels unique and very thoughtfully crafted. It reminds me of a castlevania game in how the areas link together and lead you to shortcuts you can take later on.

Having never played a souls game before the combat definitely took some getting used to with how weighty it feels. Every option you do is a full commitment and I think that leads to having to be more mindful of when you attack and how you position yourself than in a standard action game. Bosses are a test of being able to recognize animations and knowing which ones to punish. Other than reusing one a few times, they're varied challenges that really put what you know about the game to the test while you fight them.

As far as the characters and story go I appreciate the effort they went through to not tell you what's happening directly. Having you piece things together throughout the game is neat, but I really don't think that kind of storytelling is for me.

TLDR (8/10) Good Game ^_^