Cool story, interesting ideas, and it doesn't do a very good job of advertising itself in its trailers. Only other complaint is all the invisible walls in the action scenes, but yeah, I like it.

Made me go "H-H-HELLL YEAHHH!" when it started, but yeah there are definitely better executions of this out there. This one just has so much personality though!

Also has music from Shady Cicada, insaneintherain, and Louis Zhou in the game, which I did not know before hand and was surprised to see as they're all great youtube composers that I've been a fan of for a long time.

Long story short it tries to be really cool with tons of style and sakuga, but the moment to moment gameplay ends up feeling, like so many other indies, repetitive and predicable.

Eh, it's alright. The translation is from Korean, which I gleaned because it was very stilted in general, and one text box just showed up untranslated. It's cute, and in the early game it does a good job of balancing exploration with the crafting aspects. Slowly growing an arsenal of recipes was satisfying. But as the game continued, more of the game relied on gaining currency, which pretty much exclusively involves daily in-game quests. The requests were one of three things, limited to one request per day. Once you have collected all the recipes that you have agency over, then the game becomes a drip feed of stuff to do. There's really not much to do beyond the quests that are laid out at this point. I couldn't tell you if it's worth the money, but it's not all that sparkly once you settle into it. Hopefully the full release gives more stuff to do beyond the quests, like everyday rp activities that exist for detail.

Don't play any of the side missions for the optimal experience. The main missions actually manage to be somewhat creative, and they inevitably lead you to the coolest and best designed parts of the world without you having to root around in the otherwise bland open world.


Fun concept and good controller feedback, but the levels felt a little long and there isn't too much stuff to do. Not worth the price.

Agreeing to the EULA lets the devs monitor your computer, essentially spyware now. This was added in an update two years after launch.

note to self: dying with one character ends run, and dodge button only dodges for one character. Thus fighting is having to swap constantly between the left stick to control movement for both characters and also to swap between characters on the d-pad to have them dodge or heal, since healing is also character specific. The system just doesn't work for anything stronger than the basic enemies.

This is a meditation training tool. I must destroy the rage inside me each and every time it arises. I will only take 10 min to get back.

Awesome music paired with very fluid movement.

play it if you have a buddy willing to go with you. Some really fun and interesting gameplay here. Played for hours years ago and only really stopped because of a dying playerbase.

The game is incredible, obviously, and I will always be thankful for the physical comedy of shoving an end-of-act boss into a pit on the first turn, thus completely nullifying all tension.

Alright, that guy in Dunkey's video was right. 7/10 with mods. But like a 6/10 vanilla. So it's a bad game.
To summarize: I use like 3 cutscene skipper mods, a weightless material mod, 2 animation speed up mods because everything is so SLOW. And a permanently bound key to set my walk speed to 1000X so I can actually have fun doing skater tricks off mountains while surveying.

Saw it all in 70 min, very quality in how everything felt, and obviously never strayed too far from what it needed to be. This is more an interior design game than a fossil game.

Final boss was so good, but there were so many baffling decisions absolutely everywhere. I needed a guide multiple times just to know what to do next. The difficulty required strategizing, but also punished you for trying a new strategy with no checkpoints. There are no checkpoints ANYWHERE in ANY part of this DLC. None in trials, none on the towers, none in the cyber stages. Sometimes this choice works and sometimes it just feels like a dick move.