This is one of the best games ever made. Please play this game knowing as little as possible. For the first time in years, a game has finally made me shed tears. 10/10


short game with a simple premise, replayable and speedrunnable. i wish objectives were more clear in the late game tho.

easy but fun time, short and replayable. cant go wrong with this

pretty good, not as good as the first one. too many walking sim levels and they changed combat for the worse. combat encounters are now strictly 1-on-1 and no fighting multiple enemies at once. combined with the removed "permadeath" system, the combat and overall horror of the experience is completely gone. game feel is much worse overall, but combat is still enjoyable. please play the first game, playing this one is not necessary.

you find some targets, then try to kill them with one bullet - the you can re-aim the bullet per kill. it's a trial and error puzzle game and its actually very fun and satisfying, reminds me of superhot. i wish there was more player movement tho (before you shoot the bullet) but it's fine.

pretty much same as first. a bit longer, new characters with different abilities - tho you can't choose which can be annoying since i prefer some chars over others, but i appreciate the variety.

great game as always. if anything i wish the chapters were longer

fantastic puzzle game, one of a kind. big recommend

one of my personal favorites. play this game NOW