I got as far as the first trial where they flooded the process with so many unnecessary new mechanics I refused to continue.

Loved this reboot. Hated that they wasted resources on multiplayer.

THIS is the Final Fantasy I'd love to see remade.

No Zelda world has felt more full of character and stories. The last Zelda game I remember being obsessed with.

I still have a sweet spot for the Ubi open-worlds. Still find it hilarious how much the protagonists in Far Cry appear to be the worst kind of White Boy the world has to offer.

My first GTA. Hated the characters. Hated the shooting mechanics. Hated the fact that I couldn't drive a block without hitting a police car. I appreciate the technical achievements of this franchise, but God do I hate playing it.

The best game this creator has managed to release that still brings all of his (creative and personal) baggage and quirks along with it.

Clever, gorgeous, and fun. Exactly what I expect from R&C.

I know I finished it. Barely remember any of it.


What exactly happened here that I didn't even know this terrific game existed until 2021? So many different ways to play the game and so many rich details and world-building. A bit of a hidden masterpiece.

Side note for Trophy Hunters - This is probably the worst trophy list a great game has ever managed. Only two unmissable trophies in the entire game. Don't be a hero. Use guides and follow them to the letter. Some trophies are finicky as hell.

Scariest game I've ever played. Hopefully the remake goes back to its survival horror roots.

Played this after Virtue's Last Reward and it probably suffered because of it.

First AC Game I failed to Platinum. Just didn't connect with the game at all.