i'd say this is the best 3D Sonic Game (or at least the best boost one)

it has the best selection of stages in the 3D games and there isn't a bad stage apart from Planet Wisp (Cause of course)

Why is it only 3 stars then? well... it's complicated, i started playing Sonic games this year and from what i played i noticed that the "Best" games doesn't have the memorable moments that games like Adventure 2 or Unleashed have

a big part of that being that there's practically no story and yeah it's a sonic game but at least give me something to motivate me to go further

not a big fan of the remixes here aswell

The rating might go up when i replay it more over time

This game rocks! only reason this isn't a 5 because it's not done yet


i'm pretty conflicted on this game, don't get me wrong i really like it.

it's just that after playing the first playthrough and absolutely loving it, i thought it's going to get better from here and that there's some continuation but sadly the rest of the game after the 2nd playthough is such a drag it really hurts the game as a hole

Just play the first 2 playthroughs and watch the final 2 endings, trust me it's not worth wasting 8+ hours for about 10 minutes of alternate endings

Story is really fucking good with great characters, the only issue is that a lot of sensitive information isn't in the game itself. instead on some novels and CDs

Gameplay is servicable at best but didn't really bother me until route C

Soundtrack is one of the best in gaming

Really underrated, probably has the best FPS campaign along with Doom Eternal's & MW2

really hope we see another Titanfall game sometime in the future, although it's unlikely. Which saddens me to no end

First hour or so is really good but afterwards the game really flops as soon as you reach the defense & bike mission

Not to mention the issues with the PC port

Good for all the fatherless people out there

Good soundtrack, kinda hype boss fights (although really janky and isn't actually good) but the rest of the game is pretty soulless it feels so wrong

Compared to the other copy pasted Ubisoft Open World games and the last few Sonic games, then it's pretty alright but as an actual good game? nah

Hope they really improve upon it in the next game

Probably one of the most overrated games i've ever played

most of the time when i don't like something that's mostly well regarded i can maybe understand what people see or value in it. not with this one tho

a lot of the praise about this game is how out in the world and "Unique" it is. i guess grinding and doing boring meaningless chores between each boss is unique? being unique doesn't mean you're good espically when most of the "unique" doesn't even fucking work properly

Combat also sucks with horrible enemy design and most importantly bad bosses, the one thing i thought that would actually save this game is actually the worst part of it. most of them are just damage spunges with random invincibility animations. not to mention they're tedious and take forever

The story is good but it isn't as much as people are hyping it up to be, the story feels rushed even though the game itself is drawn out af. why would i care about villains that show for literally 5 mins and die? I know it's supposed to be some "Big Brain symbolism" shit which nobody is gonna notice unless somebody tells them

visuals are pretty cool

Overall i didn't enjoy this one bit, the only saving grace is some parts of the story and the visual style

tbh i would've given it 1 star but the games i've got in my 1 star list are way worse than NMH lmao

oh, did i mention the PC Port?

Absolute trash. didn't enjoy it for even a bit. the game is really short but they managed to somehow fill the fuck out of it with filler stages

People say this is the best 3D Sonic Game when it's barely a 3D game lmao

This game is fucking stupid and I love it

Trans people can double jump

Good game, I enjoyed it for the most part. I just don't know why people hold it in high regard in terms of it's plot and characters, many people say that this is one of the best JRPG parties and I'm just sitting there wondering how? Most of them are flat and nobody gets enough time to develop. The only ones I'd say were good is Frog and Robo and I still don't feel like Frog got enough time to shine

They mostly just disappear after they're arc concludes (considering if they have one)

Can see how the story is good for it's time and I can appreciate that but the characters aren't good imo and it isn't really an excuse when we got FF6 from the same era

But everything else is pretty good

The game aged really well, the pixel art and general presentation of the game aged really well and I really like how battles happen in real time except of being transported to the "fighting dimension" which is something I wish more JRPGs did

Combat is simplistic and honestly after a certain point I've been able to just spam the same tech or I can just equip berserk for Ayla and leave the DS and come back to find the fight done (actually works)

The soundtrack is hands down one of the best in gaming

Overall it's a good game and I recommend playing it but it just leaves me disappointed and empty. Don't wanna say it's overrated since it was a phenomenon for it's time but it really is

Give us back the badass Artorias box art asshole