Yakuza/Judgment Games Ranked

Yakuza/Judgment Games Ranked, including the PS2 versions.

It's dumb, nonsensical, slow at times but you know what? It does feel like an adventure with something to yell to the air: "DREAMS".

It has that emotional charge no other Yakuza games up to that point had.
0 is a safe bet, the least schizo in the series and the one that makes the most sense for a series entry. The one I started with too back in 2020 or so.
Back to the basics! Kaito is tasked to help a kid finding his mother. Sounds like the first Yakuza all over again in a bite-sized DLC campaing.

It's a breath of fresh air I didn't knew I needed. A new start with a great silly ending.
Best combat and best music. Absolute unit of a game though I would say I didn't vibe with the overall story of it as much as the first Judgment.
Obscure PSP exclusive only released on Japan, for some reason. While simple in premise it's a solid personal story about growth.

Combat system is a hit or miss for hordes unlike the Yakuza games, but it's compensated with a deep and more complex take on the usual Yakuza fighting system. Awesome.
Like a Dragon Quest! Ichiban and his golden retriever attitude absolutely carries this game. The RPG system was a make or break for the series, but I quite like it though it needed more polish and refinement.

But it's a first step.
Sequel to the already obscure Kurohyou, only released in Japan. It doesn't do anything particularly new but improves over so much in terms of raw gameplay over the original.

Still, the ambitious scope is limited to a little portable system released 8 years prior to this game release. Wish they could've done something else with it. It's fine. The villain reminds me a lot of Lost Judgment's.
Kiryu has been through a lot, and this might be his final game were he acts as the protagonist.

You play this game for Kiryu, and Kiryu alone.
Blockuza! No, not really. Take your time with the enemies and don't spam the same combo everytime. Be strategic. The combat in the remaster gets a lot of crap, but I say is fine and I miss the era when Yakuza had more rigid, tight animations.

The story is also great.
Great story, good combat. Yagami isn't Kiryu but he't more agile, sadly the combat is unbalanced between styles and the Tiger wins over Crane most of the time unlike in Lost Judgment.

I feel the exploration in this game is unmatched. I love exploring Kamurocho here.
Classic and solid. Weird that the PS2 version reigns over the PS4 Kiwami version right? The combat is great, lot of crowd control options and as I said before the rigid but tight combat animations makes it more clear to the eyes.

Not exaclty the best pacing, nor the best story or even villains. But it's a solid addition to the series.
Kiryu's point of break starts here, his eventual downfall. You may say it started with Yakuza 5 but no.

Combat is not good. I could talk on and on about how imprecise and unbalanced it is. But this isn't the time nor the place to do it.

The story is a hit or miss too.
I don't have much attachment to this game as much as I want to. The setting is interesting, but I don't feel either the combat or the story past the good mark.
"We are the Yakuza 4!" Most campy entry in the series. I don't like the times when they want us to take the game seriously, it just doesn't work.

It introduces Saejima, Akiyama and Police guy! Forgot his name sorry, he's never mentioned again outside the mobile spin-off. This isn't much of a Kiryu game, which could've work if Kiryu wasn't here to begin with.
Surprised how the remakes can't keep up with their older brothers. The combat is awful in words I can't describe precisely in this list. It doesn't suffer from Kiwami identity crisis since it adds a lot of side content that it isn't intrusive.

But I dislike the combat so much, had the feeling rather than improving over Yakuza 6 combat they made an overhaul more akin to the classic titles which didn't work either.
Identity Crisis. Just like Frankestein it adds a lot of elements from different games and puts them into one, for the sake of it. Can't say I dislike it, it's Yakuza 1 at it's core after all. But I don't see it climbing above other titles.

The worst of the very best maybe? It's not a bad entry, but it doesn't have a shine of it's own.


5 months ago

One of my favourite YouTube channels is/has been doing main-line Yakuza retrospective videos, I haven't watched them because I want to play those games at some point (or at least try to), but I believe it might be interesting for you. I know the videos look really long (especially the Yakuza 5 one) but he usually goes super in-depth onto every aspect of a game.

5 months ago

@paq250_ Love his work. I actually was watching his Yakuza 5 video yesterday after finishing Black Panther (Kurohyou).

Give the Yakuza franchise a try if you can, I know someone that goes really crazy by it.

5 months ago

@Moister Oh, haha, didn't expect that. I still have to beat Yakuza: Like A Dragon, and I hope I can beat it in the forthcoming months. I like what it does on the narrative for the most part but the mechanics are pretty whatever, after finishing that one I'll try and play another, maybe Yakuza 0 which is the one I've seen is the best to start with the franchise.

4 months ago

I have to agree that judgment's atmosphere is damn good. If it had an interesting villain like lost judgment had, it could even rise to the top... Oh btw If you have a pc I would say try rgg's binary domain. I don't know if you enjoy tps shooters but cast of that game feels fun to watch their conversations with, something similar to 7 so even if you don't like the gameplay I can say that character wise it will feel fun especially the main trio

4 months ago

@gsifdgs BD looks interesting, I've heard good things about it but it doesn't seem to be that popular amongst the community or just not have heard much enough of it recently. Will give it a try some day, love me some 7th gen tps

4 months ago

@Moister I think the reason of binary domain's unpopularity is similar to drakengard in that regard where most people refuse to play because it looks too different compared to what they experienced with, like how nier is a open world hack&slash and drakengard is a musou game. Also maybe because of it's voice command thingy have a bit of negativity behind it bc of it's inconsistency even tho you can turn off and use button commands from the settings. But as a game itself, it went well for me, I guess because of I like goofy characters something like uncharted even with it's cliche gameplay

4 months ago

@gsifdgs Sounds like a fun time to me. You mean Spec Ops: The Line voiced commands? Or like real voice command were you have to shout something at the microphone?

This may be a strech but now that I think about it Yakuza Dead Souls is also heavy on gun combat. But BD is a cover shooter, sooooo~ idk guess they aren't the same team on RGG. It launched around the same time too, 2011-2012.

4 months ago

I don't know if it's similar to spec ops I haven't played it yet, but you use your mic yes. When it comes to if it's work or not, I saw people complaining about it, but there is an option to close it from settings at least.

Also when it comes to dead souls and bd, it's weird bd is a proper shooting game, dead souls on the other hand feels like they slapped it's already existing yakuza's messy gun mechanics on front for some reason. I played dead souls bc majima exists in it but bd is an improvement in all fields compared to ds. Dead souls's mechanics are.... Spam the fire button with no strategy whatsoever the game

4 months ago

@gsifdgs I don't have a good microphone anyways. Prolly just will turn it off. Besides, I don't want people to look me weird.

Played little of DS since my PS3 died not so long ago. But knowing the timelapse between both titles releases, comming from the same team no less is anything but a funny coincidence.

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