997 reviews liked by Moshii

existe algo de muito doce em Yoshi's Story. algo q vai além da sua estética bonitinha, da sua reputação como um "jogo conforto" ou um joguinho pra bebês. digo, meio q é pra bebês, mas é mais q isso tbm!

eu genuinamente amo a trilha sonora do Kazumi Totaka. ela consegue transmitir um adorável espiríto de aventura, com um leve e melancólico toquezinho de canção de ninar. ela n se sustenta tanto divorciada de seu jogo, mas se encaixa tão bem com toda a sua apresentação de livrinho de dobraduras e de todo resto do trabalho de som de Yoshi's Story. os barulhinhos dos Yoshies foi meio q um trabalho de mestre do Totaka, e hj em dia é muito difícil n imaginar a voz dele com o pitch no talo saindo de um desses carinhas no meio de um pulão. meio q arte!

eu gosto de como esse jogo é curtinho, incentivando o jogador a experimentar rotas diferentes e explorar os mapas ao máximo. muitas críticas da época apontavam a curta duração como um defeito, no comecinho da época em q críticos começaram a se preocupar demais com o "valor-hora" de um jogo. tenho opiniões bem fortes sobre esse tipo de coisa, mas é meio q óbvio pra mim q atender esse tipo de demanda nunca foi o objetivo aqui. Yoshi's Story é quase um livrinho de cabeceira, curtinho e acessível pra sempre q vc quiser tirar a cabeça do mundo por uns instantes antes de dormir. uma páginazinha pra uma noite um pouco mais feliz.

é um jogo doce, mas n completamente inofensivo. vc vai perder alguns Yoshies pelo caminho. criaturas do mal vão te descer o sarrafo. as frutas vão estar em lugares bem mais difíceis de alcançar do q vc imaginava.

mas o Yoshies vão viver felizes para sempre no final. e talvez vc tbm, um dia.

Kena é um ótimo jogo de aventura, tem um ritmo agradável, gráficos e direção artística bem bonitos com combate até que robusto e mais desafiador que eu esperava, mas ele tem seus tropeços, ele depois de um tempo acaba ficando levemente repetitivo, eu não curti o gameplay de controlar "espíritos" de animais pra fazer puzzles, ficou meio confuso de controlar, a história tem seus momentos legais e me surpreendeu na temática de recuperar espíritos na escuridão, mas se torna qualquer coisa pelo desenvolvimento fraco e possui alguns bugs, mas vale a pena jogar, principalmente numa promoção, 7,5.

Can I really be that harsh on a mfin atari 2600 launch title that seeks to replicate a simple gambling card game and nothing else? It's exactly what it says on the box, you want blackjack, you get blackjack. Only in the late 70's will you be able to find a card game that you play with a mfin paddle controller. It's pretty cool that this game supports up to four players though, even if its everyone vs the house rather than everyone vs each other. For the launch lineup this is probably one of the more social games in the bunch. You start with 200 chips and the chip counter resets at 1000 so I initially set that as my goal, but after getting to around 750 and then watching the house completely own me with enough back-to-back losses that I was back at basically square one again did I realize that huh yeah maybe this is why I shouldn't get a gambling addiction. Truly a cautionary tale from the dawn of console gaming that nobody seemed to heed, this game ran so Balatro and gacha games could crawl.

I have officially beaten all the 2D Zeldas! (besides four swords i guess(wait does phantom hourglass count as 2D or 3D))

This was super fun! I like how they had multiple gimmicks in this game instead of just one. The cloning and the shrinking were both neat and were never frustrating. This is a more linear Zelda game that felt smaller in scale and I like that! Just a cute little romp where you get to play as Toon Link. There were also some really good dungeons and mini-dungeons. Wind Palace was sick just on the aesthetic alone.

Being the last of the 2D Zelda games I played, there just wasn't really anything groundbreakingly new for me. I've seen it all before :P Also, just like most Zelda games, there are moments of confusion where I can't figure out where to go in the overworld between dungeons, which are my favourite parts of the games.

Overall, this is still a super fun romp and severely underrated! I literally have never heard anyone talk about this game.

El juego esta lleno de bugs, diálogos que no aparecen o aparecen sin traducir, texturas bugueadas o inexistentes, decisiones que has tomado y luego se menciona lo contrario a lo elegido, crashes... Desconozco si la versión de ps4 funciona así de mal o si es debido a jugar en ps5, en cualquier caso empeora la experiencia. En cuanto a nivel de historia no es lo mejor de telltale o batman, pero si es entretenido. Jugablemente en la lineal de telltale, aunque siento menos libertad para explorar escenarios que en otros juegos. Lo mejor es poder compaginar entre Bruce y Batman, prácticamente ningún juego te deja disfrutar de eso.

i just wanted to relax after a long day with a little arcade fun...

"Who am I really?"

For a few years now I've been replaying MGS2 every year and finishing on April 30th, for obvious reasons, but it's also a excuse to replay one of the best games ever made. This time I played the OG NA release.

MGS2 means alot to me, and is a game I adore in every way. Just everything in the game is so good, the story, Voice acting, gameplay, music etc game is nearly flawless and when you consider it was a very early life PS2 game it's crazy. Theres so much detail in every aspect of the game, in the Tanker mission alone theres so many secrets, codec calls & just little details that you wouldn't expect from a portion of the game that typically lasts over a hour. MGS2 is able to take the amount of care and detail from the tanker segment of the game and place it in every single aspect of the game throughout, and because of it the Big Shell is just such a well made, and almost alive location. I'd say it seems alive just because the atmosphere in MGS2 is something that I consider unmatched, just the general ambience the little details everywhere, the music, just everything in all the locations in the game just make the game feel alive in a way that I feel I might be struggiling to get across, but it's just something special...

I could talk about the amazing story and how beatiful it is but I won't, if only because I'd hate to butcher it, but I can say that it's honestly a kinda lifechanging story, that I really think about alot. If you're reading this review and for some reason haven't played MGS2 I strongly reccomend you try and go in as spoiler free as possible, playing this game for the first time is a crazy experience. There's a reason it's got the reputation it does, and why everyone always parrots the line that the game predicted the future etc, but like it's just really good (I gotta say though It defintely wasn't the first game to carry the ideas that it does, but I mean that doesn't change that it carrys a strong message and ideas and then executes them near flawlessly)

I'll keep the review short, so I'll end here, but again this game means alot to me, and I'm sure it does to alot of other people as well, and it didn't gain that love for nothing, it's very well deserved. Just a honest to god work of art that is basically perfect in nearly every way. 10/10

Super divertido, ficar passeando na cidade enquanto se coleta colecionáveis é maravilhoso. Infelizmente as bossfight do jogo, que deveriam ser o ponto alto pois vilões são a parte crítica do gênero, são completamente ruins.

New achievements but that Conqueror one sucked.