Up there with Mario to Mario64 with the inventiveness of the switch to 3D. So much bloody fun. All the usual worms nonsense turned up to 11. So much fun as a kid on original xbox, even more fun as an adult during lockdown on PC. Bravo.

Was playing this purely for the Alan Wake link, but I think it's too weird for its own good. Control thinks it's being David Lynch, but it's actually more David Lunch.

Cammy Grounds type game. If you find this game funny I don't think we would get along.

Neil didn't remember that.

The sort of game where a grown man will tell you off and make you apologise to someone else and then make you play the game like he and a bunch of other grown men have decided that you have to play the game. So much fun. This game screams Jack Duncan.

Don't wanna debate these games. Sorry Matthew.

Terrible map rotation. Shitty mechanics. Pain in the arse fanbase.

But I ride or die by my Fall Goys. 1 star game, 1 star for Mr Beast theme, Family Guy Maroon5 & Andrew Tate theme and 1 star for my clutch hoop dive and Matthew being genuinely impressed by me in regard to a video game for the first time ever.

Do people remember that your boy on the front was never actually meant to be a running part of the game and they only made him that after the insanity trailer did well, but half way through the villain swaps to some shit bloke (was he German? In my mind he's German) and it's just way less fun.

I have weird nostalgia about this game but I don't think I ever really played it.

Any game that requires you to constantly be googling things isn't actually that fun.

It doesn't get better than this. The ultimate 3D Mario, the ultimate video game. Mario is the Jim Carrey of games. This is The Truman Show. Pure unbridled joy packed into a screen. One of the few games I've ever grinded to 100% completion. Reminds me of getting a Switch on my 21st birthday and feeling like a little child at Christmas. Putting off my dissertation to grind a couple more stars. That feeling when I finished Darker Side of the room. Completing the New Donk City superjump. It's perfect. I love you little moustache man. Fuck off Chris Pratt.

Nonsense waste. I'm so angry in retrospect about this game. Voice acting, power suits all stupid stupid editions. I don't want to build bases. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.

I love this game. But you know what. I've never actually finished it. Can I justifiably give this game a higher review if I haven't even bloody finished it. I just love the idea of it. This is so stupid. What is anything anymore.

Shocked by how much I enjoyed it.