i truly have no idea why i or anyone else even likes these games

the puzzles can be solved in seconds, combat has the depth of hitting the attack button until it stops, platforming has the same depth as the very first crash bandicoot, etc.

it really boils down to how satisfying it is to pick up studs and fill out a character roster. thats the main draw to these games and its fun as hell i have no idea why is this even a good game do i even like video games what even are video games

technically havent finished it but the final boss of the immortal severance ending is so fucking hard im just gonna give my rating now

edit: finally cut off isshin's wrinkly old balls and its now my favorite boss fight, 5/5 withstands

edited edit: about 7 playthroughs in, this is seriously one of the best games ever made. i would even go as far as to say its the best game from software has ever and possibly maybe will ever make. its quickfire pace, its buttery controls, its insane boss fights, its gorgeous world, the IMPECCABLE combat, it all comes together to form a game that is not only unforgettable, but god damn legendary.

edit of the edited edit: playthrough counter well within the 20s. not sure when this will end. if i dont make it out, cancel my elden ring pre-order.

edit of the edited edit edit: isnt it kind of funny how its called "Shadows Die Twice" but typically in games this difficut you tend to die as the player many more times? always thought that was a pretty silly observation

i was gonna say the ending of this game betrays the entire setup of the story in favor of standard fare call of duty jingoism but as i started typing it threw me into gameplay where i am currently killing zombies as john f kennedy so its a bit of a redundant point

ive never seen someone not like this game

batman fights a lot of skeletons in his line of work

this game wont be properly appreciated for a long time

this game is one of extremely high highs, and extremely low lows.

the combat feels satisfying, but its completely rudimentary, mostly involving getting behind an enemy to spam attack or holding block in exchange for a free damage move.

the story is basic and melodramatic, but the interactions between the main cast are down to earth and can be far more emotional than i ever expected they would.

the music is great.

for everything it gets right, it gets two things wrong. there are several chapters that are thrilling from start to finish and some that are just absolute garbage. there are some story moments that get me misty eyed, and some that make me laugh unintentionally. its a technological marvel with some of the systems working exceptionally well, but sometimes the actual gameplay can completely bug characters out of position and look jank as hell. its baffling that this game exists at all, and its baffling it ended up in this state. conceptually its a fantastic idea, and in execution its a pretty god damn good game. but its makes too many mistakes for me to come back to it any time soon.

this is one of those games i could play a million times and never get bored. the original shadow of the colossus on ps2 wowed me several years before but this game's touches and absolutely breathtaking visuals make a game i thought to already be perfect even better. a necessary experience

if playdead’s next game has more than one word in the title im gonna be so pissed

if you like this game youre a fucking loser

more of a gimmick showcase than a 3d platformer with some of the shittiest level design ive ever seen in a game. if this game was 100 hours shorter maybe itd be a bit tolerable but the sheer amount of garbage you have to deal with on top of this game getting by on people's radars solely for the pedigree of the studio and the nostalgia it gives off of a different and much better game gives me absolutely no good will for this piece'a dongo ass.

you cant even jump off of slopes, making uncharted 4 objectively a better platformer

dunno if i believe someone designed this game. part of me thinks that it appeared from the heavens one day like the inverted castle and we all collectively agreed it was good shit

biosucks. this game is real lucky that the big daddies are one of the best enemy designs ever. i shouldve said biocock that wouldve been funnier