There are exactly 0 reasons for this to exist, all of these changes could've been implemented for Overwatch 1, yet for some reason Blizzard decided to remove its existence for this. Why did it need to be 5v5 now making a large amount of tanks so much less viable? Why remove post match commendations which helped to add a sense of pride and accomplishment as well as bragging to your friends and enemies? Why make the mid game scoreboard 10 times worse than the previous one? HOW DO YOU ADVERTISE A PVE MODE SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS GAME TO GIVE IT A REASON TO EXIST FOR IT TO NOT EVEN BE IN THE FUCKING GAME YET. It just adds up to making this game incredibly unnecessary which is a shame because I did really enjoy my time with the first Overwatch, and while it's not like I will never play this again because at its core, Overwatch 2 still retains much of the first games gameplay, its just such a soulless game.

Never left the ship cause we were too busy dancing with the boom box.


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Early access survival games are a blight on society.

Why a remaster though, just call it something else and people wouldn't be so upset. If it was called a directors cut or something like that then yeah thats fine especially for £10 but a remaster? At least No Return is a fun mode.

Sometimes I just repeat the save to keep the party going forever and pretend that they're my real friends and that we're all having a great time and the night will never end and now I'm sad.

If you're a bottle fan, than please find god.
Brick enthusiasts stay winning.

Oh and this is game is a pure joy to experience with all its emotional highs and lows and is Naughty Dogs magnum opus and I will personally send a strongly worded letter to anyone who disagrees and is also a bottle user because the bottle smells.

Absolutely loved this, exploring Possum Springs was a blast and the chemistry between the main characters was fantastic and really kept this game flying high throughout. The game also provided a nice variety of minigames to do which were all a blast. The story was a fantastic experience and really worth playing despite its ending maybe not sticking the landing entirely as it felt a bit more flat then I was expecting, plus I felt like some of the dream sequences weren't the best but honestly those were my only gripes with this game, it is absolutely worth playing.

Definitely not on par with Resi 2, it was still a good game to play as someone who didn't play the original. However it definitely felt like the last hour or so dragged the game down and it doesn't have a standout area like the RCPD in Resi 2. Having finished the game in just over 4 hours with little incentive to do a second playthrough also sucks considering the second path of Resi 2. Finally, the nemesis was not all that fun to deal with, rather than the consistent terrifying presence of Mr X, it is more like "spend 5 minutes wasting ammo to eventually proceed to next point" which removed much of the tension from it. At the very least, the gameplay is the same so it is still good even if more action focused and it still looks great, but ultimately I see why this doesn't receive the love that the Resi 2 remake got.

Part 1 of the greatest space opera ever. In this edition, Shepard drives an awful car around funny mountains while choosing which of the 2 other humans they like least.

This is how I celebrate Valentine's Day every year

Arkham Asylum felt unique upon release and still feels influential to this day, while I personally believe the series would peak in its sequel, Asylum still contains some of the series greatest moments, plus the Scarecrow missions remain some of the best in recent memory.

Why did man go to the Alsume, is he stupid?

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?

The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in!

Yeah it is true. See you later, Moss

Mind 'ow you go.

The pretentious person's favourite Fallout game (it is me, I am the pretentious person and my penis is also bigger than yours I think)