No fishing mini-game, combat is god awful, it looks alright at spots, the whole choice system feels like it was tacked on or something, and you really don't end up caring much about the cast or even the main character either.

You play as this woman who fears flies for reasons and her buddy wants to help her out but then they drink some mushroom tea- took more then 3 sips I guess? Less? I dunno the game said not to do either, ONLY THREE!

Anyway you walk around and hit dudes with sticks and bigger sticks. I really think combat should have been cut all together and they should have just stuck to puzzles because it feels so limp, boring, and just plain ol' annoying.

Brass Token is the dev on this game and I can see they really want to make something great and I can see glimmers of something good in this game but as it is right now? I just don't think it was the best foot forward. Feels like for every step they take they took 3 or 4 backwards.

The idea sounds super cool but just doesn't work as intended. Though even with how bad I'm coming off now I get the feeling they're make something good.

There is indeed a fishing mini-game in this and it's pretty simple but fun more so because Big the cat is there to chill with you. Shame froggy wasn't there but hey perhaps next time?

The game for sure has some issues but overall it's just a real fun time and put a big ol' smile on my face. From story to gameplay I had a fun time with my 35 hours put into the game and that should tell you something right there, you know? The fact you can sink that much time into a sonic game and not feel like it's dragging.

I would say to pick this up for sure.

I think for the next game samus should really have a way to fish- I mean you fight things underwater and shoot fish but don't actually fish.

Oh yeah also a really amazing game. But the lack of fishing

Such a good time and I beat this when it came out back in the day and still remember it fondly even now. But you know I really feel like chell should have been able to fish at points. Well can't have everything you want, right?

I remember trying to get the platinum with a friend of mine back then and he stopped playing for whatever reason and pretty much just didn't care anymore so I did co-op on my own with two controllers. You want a real challenge? Try that on you're own.

What can't be said for this landmark title? A game that along with many others of that year would change gaming as we know it. For the better and for the worst I suppose.

No fishing though- if you count the dolphin bit I guess? Any who play this game... it's as simple as that.

No fishing mini game and that's the only real bad thing

What a waste of such a cool idea.

This game sort of reminds me of WET from 2009 but at least that game had a cool soundtrack.

Can't believe you didn't even fight any vampire fish.

I enjoyed when the guy said 'CALLISTO PROTOCOL' in a serious way that doesn't make it seem way funnier then it was.


Also no fish at all on this frozen prison planet- no mutant fish and that's just stupid

EDIT: Had to come back and lower my score because fuck that DLC ending shit and fuck this game for how annoying it was. Huge waste of time! 11/19/2023

I beat this and got the platinum on ps4 but figured I'd just write it here because I also played Intergrade as well.

Final fantasy 7 is what got me into JRPGs back in the day when it came out on the playstation and while I don't think the remake is better then the OG game I feel it holds it's own as a fun title.

You know it's odd they had a real chance to add in fishing but didn't? How fucked up is that? Any-who hellhouse was fun to fight as an actual boss and for a good amount of the runtime I was wondering where hellhouse was you know?

Because that's what you should be thinking, feeling, and asking with your VERY soul! Because it's hellhouse! What a fun fight

Also to be real for a moment graphics don't make everything but seeing some moments with the new visuals was pretty cool- like with Motor Ball at the end of the midgar highway or fighting rufus which ended up being one of my top fights in the remakes because of how cool that coin toss was.

Also that 3rd verse on jenova dreamweaver was super fucking cool even if the fight it's self was kinda lame. Oh and not making RedXIII playable did feel like a bit of a copout due to how you did gain control of him in the OG game in the shinra building.

Overall I do think the game has strange pacing issues like during the graveyard bit and how it adds another boss for some reason even though at that point in the story the plate is about to fall so I think it was just to much.

Wall market was fun but I don't its going to be as iconic as the old wall market but that dance was sick.

Any-who not to make this to long the remake is cool but you should really play the OG game as well because it's the whole story even if the next part is going into different story stuff. Well worth the time and like more then half the cost of the remake

Oh and playing as yuffie was a hoot but it did sort of stink just staying in midgar but hey there's always part 2, right?

It's pretty alright

No real fishing but hey you do see sea monsters which was cool.

Played this when I was a kid and it was the best gameboy game ever and still is.

If you don't play this you're stupid, yes its true!

Took a while to actually finish this game but overall it's pretty alright and has a fun little story. Can't say I agree altogether with the name change here as it really isn't about Kyōko and Misako and more about Kunio and Riki getting out of jail to clear their name.

Though hey you got better translations and it's easier for most people to get a hold of. I will say the game has stiff controls and the enemies can be some real bullshit- more so bosses with how much recovery they have vs how much time you have to well react to them.

Outside of that it's a rad little time and worth getting simply for having an official version Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka.

I think this game would have done well here back then but hey better late then never. Oh and no fishing at all and that's just plain ol' punk if you ask me (which isn't cool)!

In the famous words of Delin from shenmue 2-


Play the game

Also no fishing- sorry for the letdown there.

It's a fine enough game and the story is fine and overall it's just that- just fine. As others have said it's a safe squeal that doesn't do much different but does add in some nice things like fast travel.

If you enjoyed the first game you'll like this.

I don't normally give out reviews before I finish a game but honestly this one's a super safe bet. Just overall good without much to complain about aside from framerate taking a hit because it's on aging hardware.

If you enjoyed the OG game then you'll like the remake. To make it even better you can switch (SLAPS KNEE THAT WAS FUCKING FUNNY) to the old music if you want.