Nothing here!

Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate 3
I'm addicted to this game badly. The gameplay is a perfect mix of strategic stimulation and tenseness that I find myself getting a lot out of the very well spaced battle encounters. I have spent so much time exploring this world and truly feel as thought I have scratched the surface even after 100 hours. As New Vegas showed me last year RPGs that are prepared to handle a player's creativity and desire for freedom of choice in gameplay exist on another level. This genuinely might be the most rewarding experience I've ever played, with the fact there is truly something to find around every corner. A majority of my first playthrough was spent in the city of Baldur's Gate itself in Act 3, exploring every single building and happening upon so many quests and bits of lore that added so much to the immersion for me. It is one of my favorite settings in a videogame for sure, such an alive and interactive landscape. I was able to feel like a part of the world, like the actions I took along the journey mattered. Reading those letters at the camp during the epilogue was such an incredible moment of catharsis.

The allies formed along the way in my own unique journey were special to me. That isn't even mentioning the companions, who are all excellent characters who by the end felt like a true family. The progression in the little ways they treat you, to seeing their stories unravel as you continue the story was a treat. I was personally invested in seeing through all of their trails through to the end. The culmination of Act 3 is my favorite part of the story. Even as the final battle beat me down over and over again, it was through the aid of those allies I helped along the way I was able to overcome and attain victory together. There is so much I'd want to talk about with this game but it's just incredible.
Persona 3 Reload
Persona 3 Reload
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal

I have played this game 11 times
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077
Simultaneously fails to live up to its potential while also being an incredibly enjoyable experience. I feel an attachment to the world and what could've been in this game which makes it interesting. The prologue being largely a montage is a really lazy device that sets a tone for how linear the story of this game is. Lifepaths have a lot of potential but ultimately offer very little in gameplay or story variety. Johnny Silverhand is simultaneously a interesting character and also someone the game thinks is more badass than he really is (I'm not sure how intentional it is honestly). A lot of his most intriguing qualities aren't explored and his constant presence can wear on you, but his role in the final part of the narrative is really strong. I really liked a lot of the writing around Arasaka and the Corporate world, the ending focusing on them was chilling in such a perfect way. Ultimately the difference between Cyberpunk and a truly effective RPG like Fallout New Vegas is a feeling of agency for the player. During my entire run of this game the main story experience felt pretty passive, just being jerked around and never being able to take control. And you can argue that is an intentional feeling, but that style of linear storytelling requires a much better written narrative than this one. It isn't bad, but it just isn't enough to justify the lack of player freedom.
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
Games like this have such an alluring charm that I can't get enough of. That feeling smooths over a lot of the rougher edges the game has, though unfortunately not all of them. Final Fantasy 7 is one of those cases of nostalgia carrying the reputation of a game somewhat, as while I consider it to be a good game, the greatness of its narrative and stature is inflated. There are stretches especially in Disc 1 which feel repetitive and like not much is happening, the game really picks up into Disc 2. The work with Cloud as a character is by far the most impressive aspect of the game, its simple yet emotional, a great way to make a compelling protagonist. The main 4 of Cloud, Barrett, Tifa, and Aerith have a really nice group dynamic that I'm excited to see expanded on in the remake. Overall this game makes me excited for the remake's potential to improve this story
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
the padding is obnoxious and I don't like og ff7 enough to justify playing this anymore
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 4 Golden

I feel pretty concrete in my thoughts on Persona 4 at this point (4 playthroughs). I love it, and it is undeniably an important game to me. I have so much fun playing it and inhabiting the world of Inaba that a lot of other stuff just doesn't matter. I think some aspects of this game get underrated, especially the non-party social links. Those are the best in the series for me, I think with those Persona 4 mastered the medium between 3 and 5's execution of social links (The party member SLs vary in quality more). Gameplay wise P4 is the least interesting out of Persona 3-5 for me and the dungeons are just not very interesting to go through. I also feel like I've grown out of Rise and Adachi a bit as characters, while still respecting their roles in the story. There's a lot I could say but honestly I just really love this game
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami
I really fuck with the atmosphere of the city in Yakuza. As my introduction to Yakuza, I'm happy with the experience I had with Kiwami. Kiryuu is such a fun protagonist and a lot of the other characters are memorable or at the very least entertaining. The gameplay I generally enjoyed, though there were definitely some encounters that overstayed their welcome. It's a simple yet satisfying feeling to beat up on street thugs. Playing this was almost like playing a Yakuza movie or TV series, I've never experienced anything quite like it. It's cheesy to a fault which certainly works towards its benefit, but at the same time, led to some very predictable plot points that didn't hit well for me. The emotional beats were especially lacking in that regard, though the game does Kiryuu and Nishikiyama's dynamic justice
I have known about this game for over a decade now from growing up on youtubers discussing it. I knew going in this was intended to be more of an "experience" than a game but this pretty much plays itself. It is a beautiful game visually with some striking shots, but that's about it for me. I didn't feel any great emotional resonance or any interesting engagement with the concept of a journey, so its really just an okay experience for me
Utterly electric and intense. I don't usually play games of this nature, but I found myself really invested in the experience of "just one more try". I'm still not good at the game but it felt rewarding to solve a boss or get through a level. The creativity and dedication to the aesthetic is really impressive and I'm excited to see the finished product
Final Fantasy XIV Online
Final Fantasy XIV Online
This exists in a space where I had fun playing this with friends, but it didn't do quite enough to fully grab me to continue promptly. I enjoyed the process of learning the game more than I expected, however the repetitive nature of it certainly weighed me down after awhile. I don't think its bad, but as a narrative and game experience its not really good either
Slay the Princess
Slay the Princess
Needy Streamer Overload
Needy Streamer Overload
Really fun to play around with
Class of '09
Class of '09
Perfect encapsulation of the American High school experience
Ys Origin
Ys Origin
This game is just so fucking cool. It is simple to a fault, yet thrives in that. It doesn't waste your time or try to seem grander than it is, it's the character you're controlling and the tower. The level design both visually and mechanically is really well done and satisfying to explore, and the gameplay style differences between the 3 Mc's make replaying the tower not a slog. The game is just so exhilarating and fast paced I didn't care if I had to backtrack a bit or replayed an area recently. Each character's route is a compelling journey that develops intrigue of the sides of the conflict. If there is one thing I would want done differently, I do wish especially for the hidden character's route there was more deviation from Hugo and Yunica's paths. The music is spectacular as well, this game drips with aura
This crashed and I have no desire to boot this up ever again
We Know the Devil
We Know the Devil
With a lot of these short visual novel experiences I find myself disappointed more often than not. The short runtime can often act as an illusion of depth in what is otherwise not much going on (Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk for example). These types of games often center around a type of depression or mental health issue in order to facilitate a denpa-esque experience. We Know The Devil was able to connect with me more due to multiple factors of course, but mainly through having a clear conceptual focus to latch onto. Other reviews talk about the themes of religion and queerness at nauseum but I echo those sentiments, as I think the short glimpse given into the conflicts of Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune are just enough to be interested in their characters but also give room for interpretating the events. It goes by very quick, the atmosphere created through the music and art drew me in quickly.
A Bird Story
A Bird Story
not much to it but It looks nice
Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni: The First Night
Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni: The First Night
Ryukishi's destiny was to write bullying stories
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Awoken
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Awoken
more of the same
Final Fantasy XIV: Through the Maelstrom
Final Fantasy XIV: Through the Maelstrom
the same but some stuff is happening
Everyone thinks they're Josef Fares
Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni: The Second Night
Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni: The Second Night
I really enjoyed Higanbana. Despite being episodic in nature and not necessarily having a massive conclusion its building to, it is such an integral work to Ryukishi's catalogue
While this could easily be looked at as derivative, I have respect for the ambition behind the topics covered. Even outside of that it is a decent bittersweet short story
Adventure of a Lifetime
Adventure of a Lifetime
Just really boring and generic
UsoNatsu: The Summer Romance Bloomed From a Lie
UsoNatsu: The Summer Romance Bloomed From a Lie
The character relationships here are really well done, it feels grounded yet interesting. Overall a great exploration of the concept of love and how that can grow. The art is truly beautiful too
Madden NFL 24
Madden NFL 24
Not bad for time killing but it's sad coming from last playing one when Madden15 came out and seeing how much everything is the same or worse
Misaki (7/10)> Akane (6.5/10) > Nanase (4/10)> Mio (3/10)> Shiina (1/10) > Nagamori (1/10)
Final Fantasy XIV: Defenders of Eorzea
Final Fantasy XIV: Defenders of Eorzea
Made me lose all faith

1 Comment

5 months ago

where's opus

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