Nancyfly "Mini" Reviews (Updated 6/7)

At the time of creating this list, I have beaten 99 games this year alone. I simply don't have time (and in some cases, just don't have enough interesting to say) to give all of these games a proper review, but theres still a lot of them i want to share my words on. I'm keeping this list in grid format to keep it easier to navigate as I'm sure itll get pretty long very quickly, but I'd recommend changing if you want to skim them all. This will be a regularly updated list.

Expect a good quantity of spelling mistakes because I am using this to rant more than be proper
Reviews that contain spoilers will be marked

Update Log
5.28.23 - First posted, 9 reviews
6.04.23 - Added 3 more reviews

Planned to add: Rogue Warrior, Tinykin, Lost In Play, Marvels Avengers, Balan Wonderland, Uncharted Lost Legacy and more

I fucking hated playing this fucking game, holy shit. The controls were miserable, the story switches between really fun and fucking stupid every other mission. Just so much frustration, god damn. I don't want to even try to talk about this anymore.

I really do not understand how this game spawned such a massive franchise, or even did well enough to get a sequel. It is one of the most simplistic, repetitive games I've ever played. I can't imagine paying for this at full price in 2007. There is absolutely nothing to this game lmao

Felt like such a big improvement on II. I enjoyed playing this so much more. However, the Animus stuff just got even worse somehow. I hate that part of this series so much

vague spoilers

Some of the best game writing and performances period. The gameplay is fun and super colorful. The new characters are all great. Such a massive improvement over 2018 which was already amazing. Its better in basically every way.

Unfortunately, I was really let down by the ending. It seemed like this would really be the conclusion of the story, but it just feels like a massive set up for more and not really an ending. Now looking back on the game all I can feel about it is a bit dissapointed, and so thats why I can't give it a 5/5 like I very much planned.

Also, kinda funny how I played through the entire series (PSP games included) and pre ordered this as a birthday present but then still proceeded not to beat it until 2023 lol

Improvements on the already fun gameplay in Brotherhood aren't really enough to save this one. The story is just really underwhelming, and not a great ending to a pretty cool protag. Animus stuff is abysmal, obviously.

Fuck JK Rowling.

The weird thing about Hogwarts Legacy is that because of the school setting and how many mechanics you learn, half the game feels like a tutorial. But it is still just a solid game to play. As someone who only ever saw the movies but has nostalgia for them, this game is still really good at capturing the magic. I think the cast of side characters is excellent but the story itself is a bit underwhelming, mostly due to how much of it is dedicated to learning stuff and how underdeveloped the antagonist is. I only ever learned his backstory from an optional bit of dialogue in a random side quest.

The combat also isn't great but I still had fun with it, its serviceable. Flying on a broomstick is very fun. Props to a game having an avatar character that actually speaks! Really wish more games did this, I got pretty attached to my "Matilda Valentine"

The game is buggy as hell though, and the robe physics are terrible. Thank god for transmog.

I am a big sucker for beautiful underwater locations. Avatar: The Way of Water was my favorite movie of 2022. Horizon Forbidden West not only has the prettiest underwater shit I've seen in a game, its also the best looking game I've seen so far period. I could go on and about the water graphics but we'll just leave it at that.

Story wise was also amazing. The universe of Horizon is so sick and I love how they expanded the lore. I don't want to get into spoilers but the introduction of the character Beta was awesome and the finale was just batshit insane. I loved it.

One of the most disappointing games I've played, probably (hopefully) the most disappointed I'll be this year.

To start with the good, I absolutely love the setting and concept. The robot twins are fucking hot. The music is great. The enemy designs and stuff is all awesome.

But man was this a damn chore to play. The open world part is downright horrendous and I skipped as much as possible. Almost every single enemy type is annoying, and most combat encounters theres just dozens of them spawning and attacking you at once. This is especially annoying in the open world where they will infinitely and continually spawn. It just isn't fun. Especially when they constantly knock you down and you have to wait for the 2 second animation to get up repeatedly. Besides that, this game is terrible at making you feel like its wasting your time. Super long drawn out poorly written dialogue by characters who never shut the fuck up and an abundance of unnecessary puzzles that while not badly designed, just feel like padding.

Great concept, awesome visuals, terribly annoying to play.

Really love the cast, the setting and the vibe. The gameplay ideas are also really cool too, but its still very 2010 and really janky to play. The DLC unfortunately highlights the most annoying parts of the combat. Very excited for 2, it looks a lot more my style.

I'm a bit surprised by how harshly this was reviewed on launch, but it wasn't entirely undeserved. The way combat works is really messy, it reuses way too many of the same exact jump scares, the qtes are terrible, its hard to tell what way is for exploration or for the intended path etc etc etc. Theres a lot of things to dislike about Callisto. Even with the crazy gore, its easy to see they were lazy with it if you watch a death compliation, every time something happens to Jacobs head it is destroyed in the same exact way.

But despite all that, I had a lot of fun with Callisto. Playing with auto dodge made this a much more refreshing but still challenging experience. The story and atmosphere was really enjoyable, enemies are creepy. Its just one of those where it has a lot of issues, but I still enjoyed the majority of my time with it. I hope it has a chance to improve with a sequel.

Absolutely love the setting and some of the ideas in the plot. But Its baffling how 5 games in and these games still control clunky as fuck and feel so unintuitive to play. Also just straight up boring lol, and pretty buggy.

Honestly? I thought it was pretty fun. The top reviews for this being people who absolutely didn't play this is pretty annoying. Its really not that bad.

Its not good though. It feels unfinished. Not because its like buggy (only a couple of issues over 14 hours) but because its just pretty lacking. The story is super fast paced, and their aren't many interesting characters or side activities. It just feels kinda like half a finished game. Not worth the full price

But the combat and parkour is awesome. The dialogue didn't make me cringe, besides the trailer moments. Those being the only two times Frey says "freaking" and just saying fuck the rest of the game is just, oof. I do really like Frey though and not just because I like when pretty women swear

I don't have much to say with this one. A really funny and unique puzzle game. Some levels, especially when trying to get collectibles, are a big pain in the ass and made the game more annoying than I would of liked, but Im also not a big puzzle gamer. Definitely had to use a guide at points. Also the music is really not that good, I did not enjoy it at all.

Still overall its pretty sweet

It looks beautiful, it has beautiful music but it just feels kinda empty. A lot of the puzzles are kinda just the same thing and the story takes a long time to get interesting. I think this would've done a lot better if it wasn't listed for full price, because its still cute and worth your time.



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