327 reviews liked by Neo64

Everything I have said about Fall of Cybertron holds true for this one. It's a surprisingly fun 3rd person action adventure romp. It has 3rd person shooting sections and some driving too. Even as a non-transformers fan, I was drawn into this one and feel that with all the characters and story cutscenes, it would be even more appealing to fans of the series. It's difficult to separate the two games in terms of how enjoyable they are. They both have nice short and simple levels with some great action sequences which add a bit of variety to the gameplay. The voice acting and story is great and you can tell a lot of effort has been put into both games. I'd put this one slightly behind Fall of Cybertron as, while it is a very similar game, I found the environment in this game slightly blander and more gray. That being said, it's a great game in its own right and well worth picking up.

High Moon Studios have a knack for making decent 3rd person licensed games on the console, with the fun Transformers games and the silly Deadpool game. This was their first effort on the 360 and it really feels like a clunky younger brother to the Cybertron duo. The game follows the story of the movie, presenting it over around 12 levels with some nice cutscenes throughout. Game play wise it is a nice mix of 3rd person cover shooting and first person hand to hand combat. You also have an adrenaline meter which, when full, lets you pull of a finishing move, either shooting or hand to hand combat, which leads to an instant kill. I enjoyed my time with the game, but the experience was dragged down by some flaws and poor design choices. For example, the game is predominantly a cover based 3rd person shooter, but it struggles to implement the movement into or out of cover, which is really down to the controls. The gunplay itself is good and aiming works fine. The levels are designed with this cover in mind, full of things to hide behind. The issue is that you don't really know which you can use as cover. I found myself running up to objects and then awkwardly standing around getting shot as my characters refused to hide behind whatever it was. It's little issues like this that feel a bit amateur and really highlights that this was one of HMS's first games. The reliance on quick time events was another frustration. When you are not headshotting bad guys, you are punching them in the face in a 1 on 1 fighting game style combat section. This was a nice change of pace from the many third person brawlers on the console, but it can get a bit stale as you basically mash x and y in between blocking. Because of this, the inclusion of random QTEs during these fights was a very weird design choice as you really don't have time to react in the middle of a mash X combo. These issues don't ruin the game, it is still a lot of fun to play and the short campaign doesn't overstay its welcome. I really enjoyed jumping around the globe visiting a variety of different areas, and the few driving sections were a nice distraction. However, it must definitely is a flawed game, clunky and full of strange issues and design choices. If you can get past these, you will have fun with it, but don't expect a polished experience.

Super fun game, possibly my favorite in the series.

I really liked the battle gameplay improvements over Yakuza LaD, guard-breaking and weaknesses are so much easier to understand, the proximity/AoE-based attacks help make the battles feel more dynamic.

Storywise it's a lot more of what you can expect but the Hawaii setting made this game feel refreshing.

The new jobs and skill inheritance system are very fun to play around with.

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This is the best FF I have seen in terms of blending the open exploration into the story that I've seen in any game after the PS1 era. This formula rocks and I'd love to see FF17 take inspiration from this style.

The combat is extremely fun, Synergy attacks really spice things up and I enjoyed seeing all the combos.

Story-wise, I loved almost all of it, the new twists and differences from the original kept me on my toes, mostly pleasantly surprised me though, like Remake there were a few missteps IMO.

The ending though... that was... something else. I knew it was gonna get weird after the way Remake ended, and I'm conflicted on this direction. I was never too big on them doing the whole multi-universe stuff in this trilogy because it just makes the story too convoluted, and it's very easy to mess up.

I'm not sure what to expect from Part 3 but we'll see how it goes.

Perfection, dont let anyone tell you any different. Its so bad, I love it

Now I know what you are thinking. I gave this game 5 stars. But hear me out first. I get it for something that has the Final Fight name, its awful. However, if you have that rare ability to put that aside, you will find something fun and insane here. Not to mention funny and campy as hell. Almost consider it parody of the Yakuza style game just with a western setting.

No kidding, on one mission you are beating the shit out of thugs and then comes another where you wager against a random grandma at a game of darts lol

The combat in streetwise isn't too bad, it has the necessary umph factor that makes beat em' ups fun. The inclusion of a parry is cool except that it has a real tight window but when you land it it feels great. The instinct meter can also be used to parry. You buy moves and upgrades so collecting cash is essential. You could just do the main missions but I highly encourage you to do the side missions just to see how wacky they get.

Soundtrack is quite solid, some good jams. They use licensed music from rap and metal artist (mostly rap) but they are pretty good picks. There are some original tunes as well like the main town themes.

Some people consider streetwise to be a spiritual sequel to BeatDown: Fist of Vengeance, also by Capcom and yes I definitely see that.

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Now that my spoiler free review is out, I don't think I have fucking sobbed as much for a fictional character as the moment Kiryu said "I can't even send a simple message to tell them I miss them, it's like I needed them more than they ever needed me". I don't think anyone deserves to feel that way. FUCK, My heart has been completely shattered today.

RE4 is a game I hold near dear to my heart. While not being my personal favorite RE it is one that I hold the most memories with. Its the first video game where my father grew insanely addicted to just off the strength of watching me playing the first 5 minutes of it on the gamecube. After those 5 minutes he asked to play a bit and the rest was history my dad turned into a huge RE4 fan. Its my first memory as a kid where I rented a game from blockbuster where my dad grew interest right away and its stuff like that I hold near dear to my heart. So with that being said yes the original RE4 is something VERY special to me on many levels having played through 5+ releases of it.

Now when RE4R was announced yes I will admit I was a bit worried after the misstep of RE3R but I held out until we got more info on the game. The moment they said they would be keeping most of the content in the game I honestly knew this was going to be a masterpiece because if there was one thing they have perfected with these remakes WAS the gameplay and it really shows with RE4R.

I told my story with original RE4 about my dad growing addicted to that game because as expected RE4R turned into a whole family event. My WHOLE family wanted to watch this game because they grew to love this game to the point of wanting to watch me play through the whole remake which is something that rarely happens with my family lol. And lord was it a blast having my dad remember every single thing with this game still even after so long it honestly shows just how much of an impact RE4 had on him. Sadly he didn't want to play any of it though as he doesn't enjoy newer gen controllers and doesn't really want to try learning how to play on newer controllers which is fine I was A okay with playing through the whole game myself this time having him and the rest of my family watch.

So what did we get? a perfect experience. This game right from the start amazed me with how well they handheld the original material but improving on some aspects of it. The first and most obvious is the gameplay where they use the 2-3 remake formula gameplay wise with RE4R and it just works so well the gameplay is phenomenal and weirdly addicting to a degree its very fun to control, shoot and Supplex enemies hahaha. The knife is a life saver in this game! you can still do the normal box cutting , enemy slicing but there has been one immense change with the knife which is parrying!. If you time it correctly you can fully parry enemy attacks which is HUGE and probably will be even more helpful on the harder difficulties.

The other thing that really caught me by surprise is how well directed this game was in terms of story it really brings so much more life to the story of 4. I will get this right out the gate the characters are written so well and hell Ashley is WAYYYY better in the remake then in OG4 she is cheerful , wholesome , NOT ANNOYING AND MOST IMPORTANTLY DOES NOT HAVE A DAMN HEALTH BAR. I was overall very pleased with how they wrote Ashely in this game and honestly everyone else it brought new life into this game and was very welcomed.

Now SOME content was cut but nothing to crucial that really hindered the game in anyway. The only thing I was bummed was cut was the U3 boss fight I honestly really liked that fight in the OG4 it was creepy. Overall everything important was still intact and even touched upon to make better for the remake like a couple boss fights which I won't get into here.

Shooting range was also a blast and I had a good time S ranking all the levels on it. I will probably not go for the 100% on them all as attempting that on controller ...... is not a fun time lol.

Graphics were beautiful I really love how the RE engine looks and it continues to impress me with every new title.

I seriously do not have a single complaint with this game I really wholeheartedly believe its a perfect experience and one that I will replay multiple times to go for some of the harder trophies.

RE4 is considered one of the best games made for a reason and RE4R continues that legacy and then some.

This comes without shock but this game is a MUST play and I can recommend it for the full price. Me and my whole family were very happy with this game and seeing my dad smile and having a good time alone makes this game perfect to me.

A massive W to Capcom. They made an absolute great remake of the original. The gameplay is so addictive and combat (Kick and Parry) is satisfactory.

This game felt both pretty refreshing and quite nostalgic. The graphic updates and tiny details and easter eggs were extremely good. I'd recommend anyone to play this masterpiece.

Wanted to play a nice short game after Metroid Prime 2 so I decided to dive into the Klonoa series finally! While I did have a good time with this game, I wish I liked it more because it has a 4.1 average and a lot of my followers love it so I kinda feel bad only giving it a 7 lol.

I think after beating the game, the absolute best aspect are the bosses tbh. I did not expect them to go so hard but most of them are really damn good tbh. In fact I'd go as far to say they're better than most of the levels. Something I really liked about them was how they all made good use of the foreground and background, thought that was sweet. Also the health bar they had looked really cool with that whole 3D effect.

The levels themselves are decent for the most part. They start off really simple but get more complex as you go on. I honestly didn't think they were getting really good until the last couple stages but overall they're fine.

Another one the best aspects of this game is the visuals. The mix of sprites and 3D models is always cool and its done well in this game. From the little I've seen of the remake, it's a total downgrade which is a shame so I'd recommend the original just on visuals alone.

Klonoa's moveset is kinda weird overall. The grab is very fun, especially when you can get an extra jump from an enemy. The flutter is alright but a lot of the time just doesn't cut it in getting you over large gaps unless you plan well. I just never thought it felt good to use tbh. Also Klonoa himself has a slipperiness to him when you build momentum up and that can trip up the player especially in later stages.

I didn't really find the game that hard until the last couple stages. I got every collectable so I was able to do the extra stage and man was that one tough. It was fun but definitely put your grabbing and hovering skills to the test.

The music overall was just alright. There was a track or two I kinda liked but most of them were forgettable I felt. There was also a track or two that kinda bugged me because it reminded me of the intro song to Amazing Animals. Please tell me I'm not crazy, I just kept thinking about that whenever one of the beginning stages songs was playing.

The game also had a surprisingly abundant amount of cutscenes. I thought the story overall was pretty cute, the very solid voice acting certainly helped that I feel. Like damn, I loved Huepow's voice it was adorable. And while I didn't cry or anything, the ending was pretty sad and was a unique way to end the game.

While I didn't love this game like others do, it was pretty good! I can certainly see how others would love this game cuz it just has that 90's PS1 charm. I did hear the sequel is even better so I'm looking forward to that!