I don't understand why this game gets brought up every time as one of the best Spider man games.

It's mission structure is so boring

It's crazy how good this game looks on the Playstation 3 only downside is the input lag.

Finally completed this games campaign after 10 years.

It's such a shame the games end on a cliffhanger with no resolution to the story a decade later.
I hope one day they revisit the CoD Ghosts story one of these days.

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This game sucks.

I love it.

By the time I reached the second island, I was bored out of my mind.

Deadly Premonition 2 was an alright game, personally I felt the game tried way too hard to capture that feeling from the first game and fails hard at it.

I did like the chemistry between York & Morgana

I also wasn't a big fan of the town Le Carré, It just felt way too lifeless compared to Greenvale.

What a huge fall from Watch Dogs 1&2

I was really really enjoying Killzone 3 but I reached a game breaking bug where the game would straight up freeze up. Maybe I'll go back to this game one day. I feel like if I didn't have that issue it would've ended up as my favorite Killzone game

The only thing I really disliked about the game was it's combat. The game had a pretty good story and the game still looks great! (played the HD version on PS3)

The final level is the most BS thing ever

Starfield is my least favorite Bethesda game by far but it's not a bad game just really boring.

The characters weren't really interesting and it was your usual Bethesda game play.

Lost my save file 25 hours in 👍

It was alright, Monster design was great. The last chase sequence was tedious tho.