One of the best co-op campaigns in all of gaming. A deep, rich world to explore over 100 hours with a friend by your side. While individually neither the stories, or combat, or upgrade systems are outstanding - their combined weight in this well crafted world makes this a game that you really won't want to stop playing

What a surreal experience. Hypnospace Outlaw is a point & click detective game set in a late '90s early '00s inspired social media platform. Work as a site moderator searching down rabbitholes to find illegal or immoral content.. and slowly unravel the true reality of what's going on around you. The way Hypnospace weaves a narrative is original and impactful, and the deliberately awful artistic design to match early-internet culture is well worth seeing. The game's soundtrack is almost worth playing the game for on its own, with hours or original surreal music across a range of genres and as it plays across the various blogs and web pages of Hypnospace, it makes sure you never feel quite normal here..

A genius puzzle idea that -if you're a puzzle fan- will have you hooked from the game's opening levels. A work of genius.

A 3D metroidvania with a fun cartoony style and a huge amount of engaging exploration. Highly recommend giving Supraland a go.


A visually stunning game with a beautiful soundtrack. I love this type of game that is designed to feel like an experience, and while I didn't think that Gris' gameplay was always that good - travelling through this stunning watercolour world was well worth my time. And while I didn't always think that the gameplay itself was used well enough to add to the artistic merits, it absolutely is in Gris' third chapter that I happily replayed after completing the whole game.

Strong visual design, cracking soundtrack - but the tactical gameplay very quickly felt like a puzzle game and after a decent few hours I felt like Into the Breach wasn't offering me a lot more. Unlocking new unit types was a fun bit of feedback, but ultimately they never felt hugely different to play.


Visually stunning, Abzu is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played. It is clearly designed as a Journey-like, and unfortunately does not come off well in that comparison, but a game I still enjoyed very much.

Great idea, quality execution. If you want to feel like you're in the matrix this is the game to play.

What can an open world really add to a puzzle game? As it turns out, quite a lot. The atmosphere and mysterious mood of The Witness elevate the flat, 2D puzzles well beyond what their design possibly deserves. A really interesting game to play.

One of the better Lego games, when simplicity was key and the barrier for entry to the series was sandpapered right down level with the floor. Probably my #1 suggestion as something for a brand new gamer to play, and entertaining enough in co-op for more experienced players.

A peaceful and pretty experience. Nothing more, but it really doesn't need to be.

One of the most influential video games of all time. I remember played GTA III as a child (far below the game's age limit.. thank you store employee who really should have noticed it was illegal to sell me this) and couldn't believe the level of freedom I was given in such a realistic environment. This was the first time I ever played a video game and felt like even if I put down the controller the world would carry on existing around me.

Interesting and very cozy with a gameplay loop that's satisfying for a couple of hours as the game's, but ultimately lacks depth in a lot of areas. It's a bit of fun, but I kept expecting it to be more.

A lot of fun. A city-building, tower defence game that uses dice to roll resources and buildings to generate dice and damage. The dice create a fast, tight decision space as you can only build from the resources you have available - and yet there's still a fair bit of depth in the strategy even going as far as buildings that produce AI units. Highly recommend for a quick, fun game with a lot of great decision making all for a very low price

Not without its flaws, but a stunning game to look at with a fantastic atmosphere. The range of enemies is excellent and there are some great set pieces to stumble across, but also a handful of locations that felt like a chore to enter because of how aggressive and damaging some enemy attacks were. Elden Ring can at times swing into frustration more than fun - thankfully, the positives are enough to keep going despite the occasional annoyances.