I love the dark tone of this Zelda. It's a bit weirder, a bit more mysterious and of course - as good as all the other ones.

Therefore, this is my favourite Zelda game next to Breath of the Wild.

This is a sweet spot in my heart, because it was the first game I got 1000/1000 gamerscore on Xbox. This game is crazy, hilarious and really fun to play.

It's been years since I played it for the first time and to this day I was often thinking: "Damn... Could they remaster this?"

I was probably one of 14 people that have ever played it, but I liked every second of it. I mean, just the sentence "KILL ME WITH YOUR HOT BONER!" will haunt me forever.

There once was this day, when I entered my favourite game store as a teenager and something caught my attention. It was a plastic box, formed like some devil relic. I had no idea what it was, but it cost 150 bucks. So I asked the shop owner and he told me:
"Man, this is God of War 1-3... YOU HAVE TO PLAY THAT! YOU HAVE A PLAYSTATION!"

And I thought... okay.

Then I went home and funny enough, didn't play it. I gave it to my brother and a couple of days later he screamed at me: "MAN! YOU HAVE TO PLAY THAT! THIS IS AWESOME!"

So I started my God of War adventure and why I picked 3 for the review has the following reason.
I ended God of War 2 and as you know, part 3 immediately continues where 2 left us off. And all of a sudden, the graphics were like pumped up because part 2 was a PS2 game and 3 was released on PS3.
And damn, this first sequence... Climbing up Olympus on the back of a titan, fighting Poseidon. This will forever be a magic moment to me.
Great game, great series. Masterpiece!

This game could've been AMAZING. But it's the same with all recent Mario sports games. No content, cool gameplay.

You can play it with friends, but if you play this alone, there is like 3 hours of fun in there.
Sad, because the predecessors were awesome.

Sora, Donald and Goofy. Name me a more iconic trio.

Yeah, it might be Stallone, Schwarzenegger and myself. But just because we have the same physique, doesn't mean we're iconic!

This is my favourite game of all time. I have never played something that motivated and delighted me at the same time like this game. Everything about Hollow Knight is perfect.

The soundtrack, the gameplay, the level design, the boss design, the skills, the long term motivation, the urge to perfection... This game offers everything and I am honest...

The only game that could top this one is Hollow Knight 2. Will it be able to do that? Most likely it won't, because what Hollow Knight gave me has never been given me by anything else. No, not even hookers. ♥

I had no idea what to expect from Pentiment. In the end, it turned out to be a dialog-choosing simulator, similar the Walking Dead series or other Telltale games.
The clue, however, is that its setting is placed in a medieval Germany around 1480-1540.

What I liked about the game:
- Story & characters
- Atmosphere
- Artstyle and details
- The overall idea

What I didn't like:
- The dialogues are sort of slow, some are completely unnecessary
- Confusing at the beginning and only by the end you get the hang of it (that's good for replayability though, which I don't do usually)

Overall, I really liked the experience, although Pentiment should be a game that I usually dislike. 😅✌️

It's special, it's a really fun concept, it has a great story and although the gameplay is mostly reading, it fascinated me.

Hope to see more like it. 😊✌️

This is such a fun and lovely experience with some friends. And it's on Game Pass, so try it out! ♥

Great coop-game with friends. We started it recently and got hooked almost immediately. It's a mixture of a wave-/loot-shooter and Minecraft.
The gameplay is fun, there are different characters and roles and it's definitely off to a good start.

And: It's on Game Pass, so try it out! ♥

I'll play it further and then come back here and check my rating. :)

This game is pure nostalgia to me. I recently rediscovered it through Xbox Live Gold games and what can I say?

The mechanics still hold up to this day, the graphics are fine, the gameplay is fast paced and tight... This game is nice! It's rather short, but I still love it with all my heart! ♥️

This game starts off WAY better than Gears of War 4. Better setting, better graphics, better sound, better fights... This is not only a great - if not the best - Gears game, it's a sublime shooter experience.

It has everything that part 4 lacked, especially in variety and dynamics when it comes to fighting.

The first act of part 5 alone has been more fun than Gears of War 4.

Finally, a nice Gears game again! ♥️♥️♥️

We finished it and it's a great game. However, one thing that bothered me was the "insta kill". It happens way too often that you're dying instantly and can't be revived by your mates, especially in sequences, where it's tight hallways or anything like that.
But that is the only negative point I see. :)


Gris is a wonderful journey. The artstyle is extremely refreshing and the soundtrack is touching and beautiful.

The gameplay is "platforming", although it's rather simple and the riddles are mostly self-explaining as well.

I have wanted to play this game for a long time and now - thanks to Game Pass - I completed it. 😊

I am SO HAPPY that I gave this cute little bear and his cheeky bird friend a second chance.

Banjo-Kazooie is outstanding, especially considering its release date.
Funny, great level design, superb soundtrack.

This is on Mario Odyssey level!

There are certain aspects to the game that I really like:
- building your camp
- helping pals that you can assign to tasks
- fighting and capturing
- interacting with a variety of pals (as mounts, weapons, etc.)
- relaxing atmosphere and gameplay

However, the game‘s current, technical state is worrying and according to videos, the developers don‘t continue to work on their Early Access-titles, eg. Craftopia.
So I could play this on Game Pass and it was more or less free, but if I had paid 20+ euros for this game, I wouldn‘t have been satisfied.

- tons and TONS of glitches
- empty open world
- no story, dialogue or interesting locations

For instance, there is a small town in a desert area. 60% of NPCs are glitched under the surface and no dialogue whatsoever makes any sense.

- many copied elements, that don‘t always work
- not many things to apart from running around and capturing pals
- coop-gameplay on Xbox only works, if the creator of the world starts the game
- only XP-grind is capturing pals as in Legends Arceus
- pals don‘t do anything in the wild, they‘re just standing around in places
- …

So, there are immense, technical downsides to the game. It‘s still a funny mix, as it as a lite-version of ARK, but it could‘ve been a gamechanger for the whole genre. Maybe some other company learns from it and gives us a game like this. As long as it is not Ubisoft…