The half frame rate is noticible and I won't lie: it doesn't feel as snappy as hell because of it. Dialogue speed isn't an issue since I can be a real slow reader at the times, but for fast reader it can be slightly tedious.

Beside that: this is a mr. remake alright in every way you can see it and hear it: graphics and soundtracks are completely new for the occasion, don't listen to those idiots that treat this like it's a 60 dollars cash-grab low-effort remaster, because that's bullshit.

I would give 4 solid stars, but man. That final escape room part was frustrating and awful. The part that really ruined a lot my experience with this little gem that I still appreciated a lot for the plot/lore.

LatAm moment? LatAm moment.
Classic tie-in that any Dragon Ball fag played it like crazy. 1v1 is still fun nowadays and the UI is so satisfying.

I'm just so sick of tie-ins in general, but I'll made an exception with this with friends very gladly.

Now, if only Square Enix could remaster FF Tactics as awesomely as this one...

Just a half star more from the PSP version only because I like it visually. Love some early-PS1 nostalgia to time to time.

Going from PM1 to this feels like passing from a frozen supermarket pizza to a full-fledged neapolitan one eaten at a quality restaurant.

I genuinely LOVE the original one. Getting from FFVI to VII felt really spectacular. The milking got ridiculous, but man if I still love the feeling of this PS1 classic.

The N64 classic I played a lot alongside others and boy if it was ahead of its times. Simply amazing.

Damn, no PS3 option avaiable? I played it from the HD Collection. Alright...just gonna say it: if you love the original NES Zelda, try it. It gave me a similar energy of discovery and progression and it was satisfying.

Sure, it has flaws, especially how cryptic it felt in few parts.

It's fine to play for 10 minutes maximum. Not my kind of puzzle game.

To anyone from Backloggd staff reading this: there is an extra Ghost Babel in the research database (called "Metal Gear Solid (2000)")! Fix it by deleting the other one when you have the chance (or this or the other as you prefer tbh). And naming this Ghost Babel if possible...Thank you!

Whoever got the idea of naming it exactly like the PS1 masterpiece should never be allowed to localize games ever again.

This is a non canonical filler episode starring Solid Snake with a similar gameplay to Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, but more cinematic (basic cutscenes btw) and better to play.
Wish they could release it on NSO, I would properly play it better since in other forms of way you all know very well I can't find the will for the commitment.
But from what I've managed to do is impressive, definitely one of the most important GBC games.

One of the best JRPGs despise my initial approach didn't turned out for the best.
But after years of DQ, SMT, Pokémon, FFs, many other JRPGs and a tedious playthrough of Mother 1/Earthbound Beginnings I blasted through this and had so much fun.
A masterpiece.

Hell Pac-Man with screen crunch as hazard, with cute demons and Satan.

I think I somehow played the stand-alone S&K in a form, not sure if emulator or another way. Never found the stages from this game that much funny, definitely felt a downgrade compared to STH3's. Aesthetically they looked awesome, especially Sandopolis Zone.

I love muh 3D-early fighting games part 2.