This game is very different from what I know about POSTAL. The big transition from a chore fest to a boomer shooter is a big change, and they do it pretty well. I have not finished the game, as I got a bit bored of it.

This is my 2023 Game of The Year. I loved everything about this game except for some of the corny dialogue that was spoken from the main characters. I have always had a thing for games with DMC combat style, and rhythm games are my absolute favorite. The combination of the both make the game such a blast to play and the soundtrack is amazing, which includes Nine Inch Nails!

This game does perfect at live service, with an active community and active developers, this game is a must play for it's current prime. my only issue is that my PC can barely run it at minimum settings.

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This game at best is fun to play if you enjoy source mods and not have anything else to do. It's short and simple, but sweet is far from it. At times, the puzzles get really confusing for me. I think the idea of playing as a combine before the events of City 17 is a great one. But I was just never really all for it. The thing about this mod that stood out to me was the final battle. This boss fight was unnecessarily long and felt really difficult. plus the vortigaunts that fire their magic make it super difficult to progress through the fight, as they do so much damage. but I was just glad it was a short mod.

I am not a big fan of roguelikes. In fact, it is one of my least favorite game genres. But The Binding of Isaac just does something that makes me feel the exact opposite about It's style. The powerups and upgrade are very fun to combine and use on enemies, and some playthrough can get challenging at times. not to mention it is one of the top roguelikes of all time!

There is so much I can say about this game, but I'll attempt to make it short and simple. The soundtrack is such a treat to listen to, to start with. the characters are fun, silly, and quirky, which makes them a great addition to the game. The 3 different choices of styles to use in the game is amazing to use and make different combos with. The level design is also super fun, and I enjoy the art style SO much. The only thing that this game could work on is the combat, which seems very limited at times, but other than that, this game is a must try.

This game has an amazing story and great world to explore, but it feels more like reading a book than actually playing a game in my opinion. yes, you can fly a spaceship and explore planets for secrets, but there is a lot to discover through reading logs found in planets, which I just don't enjoy that much just because I'm not a big reader to be completely honest. I am near the end of the game, but I have yet to finish it, as I just got bored of reading logs and figuring out new things. I definitely recommend all gamers to give this game a shot to experience a great mystery.

Cruelty Squad is something else to say the least. You may look at this game and think it was made by someone who abuses drugs for a living, and that's what the developer was going for. This game can get difficult at times and forces you to use strategy to get through certain levels, which can include stealth in certain moments. This game does take some inspiration by Cyperpunk, as you can get implants into your limbs that can make your playthrough easier and more fun to explore. There are plenty of weapons to unlock, implants to use, levels to play, and fish to catch as well. Don't let the visuals fool you, as this game is a lot more fun than it looks like.

This is one of my favorite video games of all time. I have replayed this game about 10 times, and I enjoy every playthrough as if it were my first. Cry of Fear gives full delivery about a Swedish man who goes through life with trauma, including his anxiety and depression which makes his journey a living hell. Ronnberg made a beautifully sorrow soundtrack to go with it as well, which is always nice to listen to. the story is amazing and it tells through Simon's journey of trying to return home after waking up from a car crash, which paralyzed his legs. The inventory isn't too complex and is simplistic and realistic, along with the reloading system. The few characters you meet in the game take effect on Simon and his previous years. The puzzles are done well and the level design is based on Ronnberg's town as well (which he took pictures in his time of development and modeled the town after the photos he took). this game is nice, short, depressing, and an amazing experience overall.

so far this game is very fun and engaging. I usually play this game for a good 3 hours a day and progress quite a bit. one of my favorite mechanics in the game is the fishing games. I am glad that they don't just stick to one thing for all spots, and change it up a bit depending on what spot and what you are fishing. will update review when finished.

UPDATE: this game only has 1 main objective, but the game is super fun and I enjoyed every minute of it. I love the upgrade tree from collecting resources, I love the different types of rods and jets you can use to upgrade your ship, and I love the wide variety of fish you can catch. One of the most appealing things about this game is the art style, which I absolutely adore. great short and fun indie game to play if you like fishing!

I never got to finish this game, because my friend put me through EVERY SINGLE SIDE QUEST, and it had just burnt me out too quickly. I do enjoy every mechanic of the game and the leveling system, but I would have finished it if it wasn't for me being burnt out. this game was free on Epic when I got it, and my friend suggested that we played through it. Though I had other games to finish, I decided to play it with him. When I was playing with him, he was more focused on leveling and completing the side quests than getting through the game, which is what I was focused on. I decided to put up with it and do the quests, and I really do regret it. every time we finished all possible side quests, we would do a story mission, and it would just unlock a whole bunch of other side quests in the game, which made him put the story off for another few hours. I could not take the quests anymore, and the next time he asked me to play, I told him that I though the game was boring. he convinced me to get back on, and as soon as I did, we went through even more side quests, which was unbearable. I made an excuse that I had to go and got off. I never touched the game since. I hope to come back to it someday by MYSELF. but I don't think that will be anytime soon.

UPDATE: finished. it was okay.

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to be completely honest, this game is really boring. the thing that you put most time in the game is literally WALKING. for the first few hours or so, you are walking huge distances to deliver packages to other people to get you to join them in your so-called project of bringing America back together. I'm sure it's not accurate, but throughout the entire game, you walk through an entire quarter of the U.S. I have yet to complete this game, but the last time I played it, I had finished the first big boss fight sequence. Though the game isn't entirely bad, a few of it's pros make up for some of the game.

The environment of this game is absolutely beautiful. every view you take of the world is absolutely amazing. The music is my favorite part of this entire game, it has made me put LOW ROAR on my Spotify playlist, and I have countless of hours listening to all of their music. This game is definitely beautiful, it's just that it is pretty slow.

UPDATE: i have finished the game and I have to say that I wish i hadn't been so harsh on it before. Yes, the game is pretty repetitive and gets boring at times, but the story makes up a lot of the game itself. Kojima was definitely on something to produce this masterpiece of a story, and the mechanics. Good story, beautiful soundtrack, breathtaking visuals and scenery, and well developed characters. If the gameplay was more fun, this game would be a full 5 for me.

I am not an OG when it comes to Fortnite, but I wish I was. I first played it back in 2022 with a friend who recommended it to me, and I didn't really enjoy my first match of it that much, considering I pretty much despise battle royales. but 403 days later, I got back to it, and I'll say, I regret leaving for that long. When I decided to play it again, I had much more fun this time than the last. I completed the free version of the battlepass after a few days, and got my friend to buy me it later. I never did complete the extra rewards, but my motivation for completing the battlepass was definitely there. here I am, next season, waiting every day for the new quests of the new season, and completing it with my friends.

the web swinging is what stuck me to this game. the combat is Arkham-like and I love it, since I played Arkham city and only played for the combat. the story is amazing and I actually enjoyed the stealth and loud combat choices. the suit variety is also amazing for giving you suits based on which sections of the game you 100%. This game is a play and forget, but I enjoyed all of it. (I also did 100% my first playthrough, but since I don't care much for anything with NG+, I did not play through it again)