This is my 2023 Game of The Year. I loved everything about this game except for some of the corny dialogue that was spoken from the main characters. I have always had a thing for games with DMC combat style, and rhythm games are my absolute favorite. The combination of the both make the game such a blast to play and the soundtrack is amazing, which includes Nine Inch Nails!

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to be completely honest, this game is really boring. the thing that you put most time in the game is literally WALKING. for the first few hours or so, you are walking huge distances to deliver packages to other people to get you to join them in your so-called project of bringing America back together. I'm sure it's not accurate, but throughout the entire game, you walk through an entire quarter of the U.S. I have yet to complete this game, but the last time I played it, I had finished the first big boss fight sequence. Though the game isn't entirely bad, a few of it's pros make up for some of the game.

The environment of this game is absolutely beautiful. every view you take of the world is absolutely amazing. The music is my favorite part of this entire game, it has made me put LOW ROAR on my Spotify playlist, and I have countless of hours listening to all of their music. This game is definitely beautiful, it's just that it is pretty slow.

UPDATE: i have finished the game and I have to say that I wish i hadn't been so harsh on it before. Yes, the game is pretty repetitive and gets boring at times, but the story makes up a lot of the game itself. Kojima was definitely on something to produce this masterpiece of a story, and the mechanics. Good story, beautiful soundtrack, breathtaking visuals and scenery, and well developed characters. If the gameplay was more fun, this game would be a full 5 for me.

Personally prefer this than the first

i had got into this game a while ago but never had the time to pick it back up. it was fun when i did first play it though.

one of the few games I remember of my childhood and I absolutely adored it.

This game has an amazing story and great world to explore, but it feels more like reading a book than actually playing a game in my opinion. yes, you can fly a spaceship and explore planets for secrets, but there is a lot to discover through reading logs found in planets, which I just don't enjoy that much just because I'm not a big reader to be completely honest. I am near the end of the game, but I have yet to finish it, as I just got bored of reading logs and figuring out new things. I definitely recommend all gamers to give this game a shot to experience a great mystery.

I love this game so much. It is one of my first games that I played, as the Nintendo 64 was my first ever console, but the time system of this game is super good and the masks are such a blast to collect during certain times of the day to figure out what characters to talk to and how to get to know them. Another thing about this game is that it does get very depressing at times, as the characters realize the end of the world is approaching and their dialogue at times can feel upsetting.

I hate this game so much. This is the saddest game I have ever experienced and made me sob the entire night I played it. I recommend it!!

thank you to @notafanofblacks2 for purchasing this game for me.

This game was really well done, just as GTA 5 was. But unfourtunately, I just did not enjoy it that much. I played through the first 2 chapters and it still just didn't sit well with me. I hope I can find time to pick it up again.

This is a big step from from the previous titles from the franchise. I think Playstation did a fair well job producing this game. I enjoyed the combat, puzzles, and engaging story!

This game goes in depth of how its like to be an illegal immigrant and does it well. The story path and amount of choices you can make can make a good relation to Life is Strange, and I love the soundtrack as well!

I don't know how Nintendo does it, but this game was out of this world. The soundtrack, the combat system, the durability, and the open world made this game such a fun experience and definitely a must play for everyone