Worst voice acting in any game I've ever played. Legitimately wanted to drill into my earlobes.

I was obsessed with Undertale when I was about 12, much like every other teenager (probably). Going back and playing it as an adult, it's ok. The game certainly has quite a lot of charm to it but the gameplay is super generic and downright boring at times. The story is absolutely nothing special either, and most of the dialogue becomes overwhelmingly cringe-worthy.

You'll hear the n-word more times than you thought possible when you play this game.

Graphically beautiful with an oddly mesmerising OST, but an utterly soulless and bland platformer.

I couldn't bring myself to play past the first 30 mins of the game. Something just didn't feel right, and the gameplay just... didn't work for me.

Amnesia: The Bunker does as many things right as it does wrong. It ends up being yet another generic horror game that fails to scare the player and instead sends them on a glorified treasure hunt around a dark labyrinth, with annoying rats and traps lurking around each corner.

(I had typed out about 15 paragraphs and was about to publish my review but I accidentally refreshed the page so you get one paragraph now.)

Was a cute and fun game but the further I got into the game the weirder it got, and the ending was strange, bizarre and downright creepy. Not a fan.

Incredible game, 100% it on PS5, loved every second of it. Great way to show off all the new mechanics of the controller and really show what the PS5 is capable of. A fantastically fun platformer, we need more like this.

Best Lego game, best Rock Band game.

Haters wanna hate, this is the best Serious Sam game. 👌

Only Nintendo could make us pay £50 for some pieces of fucking cardboard lmao

Blizzard you ruined this game with your terrible and downright predatory monetization and terrible balance patches. You made us wait over 4 years for PvE only to scrap it and try to make us pay for the remains. Rot in hell.

Greatest Ben 10 game by a mile.