Fucking masterpiece. They let the writer of End of Zoe direct Resident Evil 4-2 and it's every bit as incredible as that sounds. Mercenaries cums.

Kinda fun and certainly imaginative in terms of base mechanics, but doesn't really have any new ideas moving forward beyond "make the level design consist of more awkward tight spaces and put more enemies in them"

Some really, absolutely top notch writing and quest design in places, and the setting is dynamite, but unfortunately those nuggets of fun are embedded in what is kind of a big janky mess of a game to actually engage with moment to moment. The ratio of time spent engaging with the great writing to time spent walking from place to place and engaging with janky, not particularly fun combat in which Cass is always getting her damn fool self killed is just entirely out of whack and it made me feel like I had to do chores in order to get to the part of the game I actually like.

Just a collection of thoughts, contained in boxes that you run into in order to view their contents. It's neat, going through and gradually getting a sense of who this person is. I like it.

While Metal Gear Solid 2 expands on the first game's mechanics in a number of interesting ways and features an excellent story, it unfortunately features a number of frustrating segments which make it more of a chore to get through than it needs to be.

Decent fun with a friend, but not nearly as interesting or tightly-designed as its predecessor. Not recommended without a co-op partner.

While nothing particularly groundbreaking, Whomp 'Em is a generally fun NES platformer that doesn't overstay its welcome. Shame about the racism, I'm sure the decision wasn't made from a place of hate but it's uncomfortable nonetheless.

A somewhat amusing concept but the gameplay just isn't all that good unfortunately. Open it once and have a giggle, then never return.

There are some interesting ideas here, the skeleton of a good game even, but unfortunately it's VERY unfinished and the level design simply doesn't fit the mechanics at all. I'd recommend checking it out because it's short and pretty interesting, but don't expect to have a fantastic time with it.

Obviously groundbreaking at the time, and still fairly enjoyable, though it's pretty janky and some of the design decisions are questionable. Not a bad little game, but doesn't benefit from comparison to more recent entries in the genre and its own franchise.

A fun diversion, but not up to the level of Championship Edition DX. Maybe next time, guys.

Exactly what it says on the tin. Ignore partygoers, acquire pupper. Decently fun for as long as it lasts, but very repetitive and fairly shallow. It lives up to its promise but doesn't exceed it.

A massive leap above the first game in terms of gameplay and cutscene direction, and just a damn good time all around. The snowbeasts can go fuck themselves though.

Dripping with style and sporting a shockingly gripping and complex narrative, Katana ZERO is an absolute treat from beginning to end. The one stumble is how much of a gauntlet some of the later levels become, to the point where it threatens to become a slog, but overall it's a wonderfully engaging game and its dialogue system is one of the best I've ever interacted with. I look forward to more from the developers.

Just a really fantastic arcade shmup