There are some interesting ideas here, the skeleton of a good game even, but unfortunately it's VERY unfinished and the level design simply doesn't fit the mechanics at all. I'd recommend checking it out because it's short and pretty interesting, but don't expect to have a fantastic time with it.

Assault Spy is an excellent collection of combat mechanics and character designs contained within an otherwise mediocre package. Fortunately it knows enough not to outstay its welcome, unlike some of the other games I could describe in such a way, and honestly it really is an ABSURDLY good set of mechanics, so I'm inclined to be kind to it.

While Metal Gear Solid 2 expands on the first game's mechanics in a number of interesting ways and features an excellent story, it unfortunately features a number of frustrating segments which make it more of a chore to get through than it needs to be.

Just a really fantastic adventure that does a lot of cool shit with the SNES hardware and expands on the concepts in the original NES Zelda in very interesting ways. Half a point docked because the Skull Woods is a fucking terrible dungeon

Really great comfy 3D platformer with beautiful environments

A massive leap above the first game in terms of gameplay and cutscene direction, and just a damn good time all around. The snowbeasts can go fuck themselves though.

The original psychological horror video game, Silent Hill tells a devastatingly tragic story while trapping the player in bleakly horrific locales, dripping with menace and sorrow.

Pretty good, but some of the combat feels a little rigid in hindsight

The enhanced re-release of this tiresome reboot does little to improve on a deeply flawed story and gameplay formula, and I can't call it worth looking into.

A somewhat amusing concept but the gameplay just isn't all that good unfortunately. Open it once and have a giggle, then never return.

When the game is working it can be pretty fun, but it's pretty light on content (despite containing a whopping SIX story campaigns; content is largely recycled between them, sometimes with some tweaks) and it clearly didn't get enough development time because a lot of the time it doesn't work. A lot of the writing is also pretty half-baked, particularly at the end when it tries to pull out some power of friendship stuff which doesn't really tie into any other aspect of the plot and doesn't feel remotely earned. The highlights in terms of writing come from Amy and Gamma's campaigns, which relate to each other in some meaningful ways but are pretty disconnected from everything else. Overall, while I can see why this game was so revered when it came out on the Dreamcast, I think it would've been far better served by having a little more time to really polish up a smaller number of gameplay styles and maybe tighten up the script a bit, because what we have here is extremely janky and unfocused. (Note: Review based on the steam release, with mods applied to restore the Dreamcast textures and lighting as well as fixing some miscellaneous input issues and such.)

The arcade classic is just as fun on consoles, with just enough mechanical complexity to reward dedicated players without becoming intimidating. The soundtrack is really good too.

One of SNK's best in terms of both animation and sheer competitive fun, Garou gets a wonderful port to modern systems featuring rollback netcode. Highly recommended.