This game is an hack and slash that features Raiden from Metal Gear Solid

it was fun when I played it like 3 years ago

plays it too safe and is kinda forgettable for it. I think it won an award for "most innovative gameplay" at one point which is hilarious since 99% of the stuff in this game was done by other games 10-15 years earlier

basically only pvp game that managed to keep me invested consistently and also it has peter griffin which is xd epic. Its insane amount of crossovers is an horrendous ode to capitalism and I feel like playing it goes against most of my moral values, but it's a lot of fun in no build mode

played the entire thing in one sitting, felt like a big step down from Ancient Gods part one and vanilla Eternal

Still haven't beaten the final boss but I liked everything that led up to it

I am too stupid for this game


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I had to pause multiple times to take a Crying Break during the final couple hours of the game, very very few games have managed to make me feel like that before or since finishing this game.