Became one of my favourite games of all time about 5-6 hours in.
Beautifully written, filled to the brim with charm. Manages perfectly to be funny, unnerving, and emotionally charged all at the same time while elegantly avoiding tonal dissonance.
This is overall an incredible sequel to Anodyne 1 that improves in every single possible aspect and fixes all the small issues and nitpicks one could possibly find within the first game, letting the talent and passion of the developers shine through beautifully.
It's creative, it's genuine, it's funny, it's consistently amazing and it made me teary-eyed as I read the final blurbs of text in the ending.

Also it's subtly but unapologetically queer as fuck which nets it +.5 points in my book, so this is actually a 5.5/5.

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Holy shit wow what that's crazy and she's a lesbian too? Sick.
One of the very few games that I will probably go back to and 100% eventually.

Very weird in a way I very much enjoyed, it's hard to get a single concise message out of this game but it feels like that's by design, hope to see more weird interesting stuff from the dev

has some pacing issues (especially towards the end of the game) but is still a very good time, the level design is a bit more hand-holdy that metroid fans are probably used to but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Story is tropey as hell but fun.

the story seems like it could be really emotional, it's also sadly sorta confusing. That said this game has some really interesting ideas and shows that this dev duo had a lot of potential when they made it; I'm excited to check out what they did with the sequel!

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Holy shit I can't stop thinking about the tribunal, everything about that scene is perfectly executed. The music and the writing work together to make it extremely tense and incredibly memorable. One of the most iconic moments in what is probably the best game I've ever played

the graphics are enjoyable, the concept is cool, controlling the monster feels great and the sound design is very well made. Too bad the game never really expands on the gameplay in interesting ways (except for in like two moments). The main mechanics feel wasted as they're never used in interesting ways to change how you play, most of the time it feels as if they're just there to make you backtrack pointlessly to progress. I get that the game might be going for a metroidvania type of progression system, but as there is no map this doesn't really work, you mostly backtrack randomly until you find an object that you couldn't previously interact with, there is never any cool moments where you actually feel like your character has gotten stronger like in most metroidvanias, just going back to look for very specific items and interacting with it once, in the same way every time, to unlock a new path. The side content (collectibles, etc.) is very lackluster as it does not provide any interesting challenges and pretty much just gives you upgrades for your energy or your damage resistance (which are completely useless as the entire game can be very easily completed without any of them). The gameplay can be kind of cool in the beginning but it never really evolves (no pun intended) and gets old really quickly, this isn't really that much of a problem as the game is very short (I was able to 100% in just 5 hours and it has next to no replayability value).

I don't remember anything about this game, I was like 4 when I played it. 5/5.

everything I expected and more, the story is kind of underwhelming but the artstyle and the gameplay are phenomenal. Chaining together tricks and graffiti feels incredibly smooth and natural. It also comes packed with bomb ass music (no pun intended), I haven't played a game ost with a soundtrack so consistently great since Neon White.

by far the best open world game I've ever played, too bad it barely feels like a Zelda game.

great improvement from the first game on almost every aspect (levels are a bit short and gameplay is not as good as the first BUT the story and overall atmosphere are a lot better), overall a pretty solid old school styled fps.