I'm not really much into jrpgs and this (like a bunch of other Atlus games, interestingly enough) was pretty uncomfortable to play as a queer person, I like the music though

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Holy shit wow what that's crazy and she's a lesbian too? Sick.
One of the very few games that I will probably go back to and 100% eventually.

Became one of my favourite games of all time about 5-6 hours in.
Beautifully written, filled to the brim with charm. Manages perfectly to be funny, unnerving, and emotionally charged all at the same time while elegantly avoiding tonal dissonance.
This is overall an incredible sequel to Anodyne 1 that improves in every single possible aspect and fixes all the small issues and nitpicks one could possibly find within the first game, letting the talent and passion of the developers shine through beautifully.
It's creative, it's genuine, it's funny, it's consistently amazing and it made me teary-eyed as I read the final blurbs of text in the ending.

Also it's subtly but unapologetically queer as fuck which nets it +.5 points in my book, so this is actually a 5.5/5.

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half a star removed because it's somehow jankier than the original, I'm sure most of the bugs will be fixed over time but I'm really not satisfied with the state it launched in (and some of the new content could've used more polish imo, for example the pixel art for the chest where you find terry's book looks like those god-awful "retro" images, the game still doesn't give you the "joyful" or "joyless" achievements if you finish the game in painful mode and a bunch of other tiny details that felt overlooked).

The new conversations with party members are amazing (Queen's and Terry's specifically were incredibly good and really help add some characterization to the game) but there are some I was genuinely surprised were missing (no real birdie scene, no harvey scene, etc.).


The new Marty boss fight was almost perfect, the bits of context it adds to Lisa and Brad's relationship is incredibly moving, it gives a lot more insight into Brad's psyche and finding out that the party members you lose do not come back brought back the feeling of losing a party member for the first time in the original game, which was something I didn't know I would miss.
There is however a big but:
I know the ending couldn't really be changed, since it leads directly into Joyful, but having NO changes whatsoever was honestly disappointing.
All that reflection, all that processing of trauma and the encounter with Marty goes exactly the same? I get that in a way or another he still had to be taken out of the equation, but the fact that there's not even an extra line of dialogue or anything felt like a missed opportunity.

Overall the new additions are welcome, this is the best way to experience the game right now. I do feel some parts could've used a bit more love, but I'd still recommend this version of the game over the original.

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Holy shit I can't stop thinking about the tribunal, everything about that scene is perfectly executed. The music and the writing work together to make it extremely tense and incredibly memorable. One of the most iconic moments in what is probably the best game I've ever played

the story seems like it could be really emotional, it's also sadly sorta confusing. That said this game has some really interesting ideas and shows that this dev duo had a lot of potential when they made it; I'm excited to check out what they did with the sequel!

Very weird in a way I very much enjoyed, it's hard to get a single concise message out of this game but it feels like that's by design, hope to see more weird interesting stuff from the dev

Gameplay is good but not innovative in any way (which isn't bad, I've just been playing borderlands games for so long that it kinda gets stale after a while). The story is horribly written and sucks humongous ass, it disappointed me so much that, although I have purchased the season pass, I still haven't opened the game again to play any of the DLC.
In conclusion: fuck you Randy pitchford

has some pacing issues (especially towards the end of the game) but is still a very good time, the level design is a bit more hand-holdy that metroid fans are probably used to but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Story is tropey as hell but fun.

I don't remember anything about this game, I was like 4 when I played it. 5/5.