Things I hate about games I love

Idea stolen from stovetop from HunterMask who got it from hotpoppah and its the sister list to this Saying Good Things About Games I Don't Like
stovetop's list:
HunterMask's list:
hotpoppah's list:

Not the biggest fan of Giant Bowser
Also fuck that carrot minigame
While it kinda works with the pacing, having to play through the school portions of the game again to play the different ending is kinda boring
The story made it seem like Walter and Jonathan would go through a character arc instead of the normal SMT "fight your friends" ending, they did not go through a character arc
Alphys constant updates in Hotland, I get the joke and I love Alphys but it's still annoying
The graphics, game looks like ass (even by my standards)
Making every trial last 3 days leads to them feeling a bit overstretched
The amount of hoops I have to jump through in order to play this game compared to the other Fables is criminal
At a certain point, it just runs out of new stuff for you find, and the joy of Mii making loses it's luster
Also why can't I make gay people?
The amount of unfunny "anime" moments
The arsenal just doesn't have the same charm as the first game, even simple guns like the SMG or Pistol don't have the same kick as Half-Life one's version of em
The amount of figments to collect for 100% is stupid
Also fuck the Meat Circus
The base game is the worst part of the game
The Seal Cruise is the least relaxing vacation I've ever taken
It's slowly dying on me and my heart can't take it
The combat doesn't feel right at all, at least to me
While the Marauders are fun to fight on their own, they tend to throw off my rhythm when accompanied by other demons
The Naboo palace levels and half of Attack of the Clones
I wanted to fight Letz Shake and Speed Buster was stupid
Finding out why Tubba Blubba attacked the boos made me a bit sad for fighting him
The sheer amount of tutorials at the start
Half of the jokes just didn't land for me

1 Comment

couldn't agree more with New Vegas' visual style

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