Honestly had a lot of fun despite being a simple game

Best non-Metroid Metroidvania I've played

I honestly remember very little of it, other than it was fun when I played

The only game I would attempt to speedrun

I don't care what anyone says, it's my favourite in the trilogy, the backtracking is perfect, one of the few games I love the dark world and key quests

Needs a remaster now.


Atmosphere is peak, didn't think I'd like it as much as I did

Yeah naw, this one ruined the difficulty balance of the base game, with a worse soundtrack
Lore was also kinda uninteresting

Slightly better than the Ancient Gods Part 1, but still has a lot of the same issues
Just has a neat battle scene

Was fun and challenging, but sometimes you will just get killed from something thrown offscreen, and not be able to react

Easily the weakest of the trilogy, might like it more if there was a remaster, but in it's current state, it's not that great
Looses what makes the Metroid series great, backtracking is meh, and it's not isolated anymore

Cool ideas, but a lot of downtime, and not really replayable