218 Reviews liked by OrangeRight

This game sucks but that's not the point of this rating or this review. This is, instead, a tribute to the one weirdo at capcom with an entrenched enough position where, when confronted with the decades of history of successful games lingering in the past yearning to be reexplored, for the massive graveyard of dead capcom titles, this one fuckin guy goes OUT OF HIS WAY to make sure that Capcom pay tribute to Red Earth, a half-baked half-idea what has a dude with a lion's head named Leo in it. I will be fifty one day, and Street Fighter 8 will have Red Earth skins, and I will laugh just as hard seeing them.

a capcom classic that is only held back by its heavily limited roster and some problems with character balance (leo is lame af). the singleplayer is unusually fun and the bosses are really appealing to look at. feels nice, plays nice, fun mechanics and is overall just solidly made... it's just if you don't have a character, it's notably tougher to enjoy

Is it worth the joke? Did I need to spend 45 minutes deciphering and maneuvering through this game's absolute nothingness of an experience just because I shared my username with it? To experience the E.T. video game?

Fuck it, yeah. Sometimes I pull myself into poor decisions, sometimes I irony my way into doing dumb shit for a bit, but in the end, it's an experience to have. There's a huge difference between taking someone's word on a game being bad and giving the word.

actually, sorry, no, i'm not going into detail on this game. it sucks, but not for very long, and it's very funny being able to say that i've finally played and beaten E.T., especially while having parents who played the game on official hardware back then and couldn't.

i promise i won't do it again.

longtime ladyHeads might know that tokyo jungle is a constant for people visiting or coming over. I love the survival mode's challenge, and how it keeps me and whoever I'm playing with on the edge of our seats as we have to strategically plan out our routes for challenge completion.
I love the way the game looks, almost like a high-detail pop up book, and the music controls tension so well.

fantastic little game

OH and there's a story mode I havent even gotten into that much!

Boy, it's too bad that this plays like absolute dogshit because SEGA really was going for something with this game's presentation. Some of the animation is incredibly fluid, and that James Brown-ass music!

But alas, this is straight-up kusoge. I am floored that something this mechanically inept came out of a major developer so long after DOUBLE DRAGON and FINAL FIGHT.

I can't even make Cory dance because the game is so broken that it crashes whenever I have a memory card in my console. Then when I take it out it's so glitchy that it doesn't even play music.

For those of you that grew up around the 80’s or 90’s, I have a question to ask you: what was up with y’all and ninjas back around this time? Seriously, there were so many pieces of media that came out around that time centered around ninjas, like with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 3 Ninjas, Surf Ninjas, and when we get into video games, there was Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi, The Last Ninja, The Ninja Warriors, and much, MUCH more! I swear, it must’ve been like Ninja Mania back then, cause no matter where you turn, it was ninjas all over the place! Not to say that I don’t like ninjas, by the way, I just don’t understand why they were all the rage back then. But anyway, the connecting thread to this random tangent is that we are reviewing Mystic Warriors: Wrath of the Ninjas today.

I hadn’t known about this game for a while until I had heard that it was going to be ported to the Switch and PS4 in late 2023, making it the first time this game was EVER ported to any other system. That’s pretty cool, and not only that, but it was made by the same team who worked on Sunset Riders, so that already had me sold on this game based on that. Thankfully, it managed to live up to the high expectations that I went in with, because like with Sunset Riders, it is absolutely fantastic, not only providing that same fast-paced gameplay and fun that the previous title pulled off so well, but it manages to look and sound great, while doing several more neat things, at the same time.

The story is Generic Arcade Plot #1285, where the evil Skull Enterprise (wow, what a great name) is attempting to take over the world, so it is up to the five ninjas, Spyros, Keima, Kojiro, Brad, and Yuri, to take them on and save the world, which works well enough for the type of game this is, the graphics are almost the same as Sunset Riders in terms of quality, but there are plenty of improved animations, character and enemy designs, and even some extra scenes present that you wouldn’t typically see in an arcade game, so that was neat to witness, the music is pretty good, fitting the tone of the game well, as well as using the appropriate instruments and sounds that go with the settings that you travel through, the control is the same as Sunset Riders as well, and it works out pretty well here, and the gameplay is… also mostly what you would expect from Sunset Riders, but hey, that is certainly not a bad thing at all.

The game is a 2D run ‘n gun game, where you take control of one of the five ninjas available to choose from, take on a set of nine stages that take place in various locations and environments, take down as many enemy goons as you physically can with your unlimited supply of ninja stars, gather plenty of different point items, health items, and powerups to assist you along your journey, and take on plenty of different generic, yet enjoyable boss characters in some very fun fights. If you have played that other game I am mentioning way too much, then you know what you are getting into with this game, but to be fair, this gameplay style still manages to be fast, fun, and frantic, being extremely satisfying to shoot down many different foes with fully-powered-up weapons.

Not only that, but there are a small number of things that do make the game stand out somewhat in comparison to that other game. For starters, you now have a life bar, letting you take multiple hits before you end up dying, so that is pretty helpful to have. In addition, you have the orbs that you can collect throughout the stages, which will act as either a screen nuke attack, or a temporary shield that you can have to help you out with further threats. And finally, there is actually a complex story moment in this game in comparison to that other one…. and by that, I mean that they implement Plot Twist #46: having an ally/love interest/whatever sacrifice themselves for the greater good, but hey, at least it is more then what that other game had. That’s really all the new features that this game has to offer, and all of these do help to make the game that bit more fun and enjoyable. It also helps that the combat is still fun, the charm, animations, and crunchy-voice-acting are wonderful to experience, and it doesn’t last too long, which is definitely the best thing one of these games can do.

Once again, I didn’t find any real issues present in the game, and thankfully in this game, there is actually some variety in the themes of the levels, so that at least solves that problem from the original game. Of course though, not everybody could potentially get into this game like I could. Since this game is too similar to that of Sunset Riders, those who didn’t enjoy that game may not get into this one either, or they may consider this way too similar to that game to properly enjoy. Not to mention, it doesn’t really do anything new for the genre at this point, so if you are looking for a fascinating, new take on the run ‘n gun, you won’t get it here. Then again, these are all extremely nitpicky complaints, one that you and I don’t care about, but I am just pointing it out for GenericMarioEnjoyer743, or whatever random online who would complain about that.

Overall, despite its lack of major change, this still manages to be a fantastic run ‘n gun game from the early 90’s, one that is sure to satisfy any die-hard fans of the genre, and will provide a great time with friends for the time that it lasts. I would definitely recommend it for those who were big fans of Sunset Riders, as well as those who love run ‘n gun games in general, because this game should give you plenty to admire and experience if you were to give it a shot. And hey, since it has finally been ported to consoles, you have no excuse to not play it now if you are a fan of either of those things. Unless, I dunno, you have real life things to take care of, like hiding that dead body or whatever. That’s probably more important.

Game #473

Dude the main villian of this game just wants to kill himself. Like his whole goal is just trying to find some way to end his miserable infinite existence it’s fucked up. The gameplay is standard Bomberman, I mean it gets really repetitive and boring but it’s structured fine. I’m more shocked that they even made this game bc I KNOW it is not gonna do well. I’m happy it exists tho even if just for the fact that it gave us suicidal Bomberman tendencies.

I liked the changes to the campaign formula in this compared to the first R game, it is much longer (10 hours for me to 100%) and more robust. While the beat to beat gameplay is the typical Bomberman affair, they made the worlds interconnected in an almost open world way along with fast travel spots, but added 100 creatures per world to collect that act as the progression, allowing you to open gates. You also start each world at level 1, and by killing enemies and picking up enemies you will slowly level up gaining more bombs, faster movement speed, power ups, and more. This led to a nice sense of progression in the 3 worlds which I personally appreciated, even if there were a few questionable design choices. Bosses were cool but a bit tedious especially the ending, but I liked the direction they took this (and I still really like the cutscene art even if the story is just kind of there).

There is also a tower defense mode mixed into the campaign that’s a bit mixed, it’s cool setting up your own defenses but defending is a bit too easy with the AI being so dumb. Attacking on the other hand is annoying because you are racing against your 7 Bomber-siblings so if you mess up once it can be hard to regain your position with all the bombs going off constantly. It was an interesting wrinkle but it should have been thought out a bit more, at least it didn’t take up tons of the time.

Just not a game meant to have a single player mode

Obviously fun for the first few months, but at what point are we just going to make all fighting games free and just spend the 60 dollars for all characters? Capcom obviously isn't the only offender of this, it's just disappointing that this has became the new norm.

i can't believe i never checked this out until now, this is so good lmao

basically everything you want from a sunset riders follow-up -- better mechanics, crazier setpieces, amazing music, more cool storytelling moments. it really feels like they just went all out with it. it's hard to say that this isn't just flat-out better than sunset riders

....... that being said, i don't really think i can just say it's better than sunset riders lmao. it's hard not to feel like the ninjas and robots aesthetic is a bit trite compared to the devotion to the western theming and goofy vibes of sunset riders. i honestly can't say which one i like better, so i'll just be thankful we have two excellent games in the same spirit

Bomberman r 2
Such a messed opportunity to what could have been an outstanding multiplayer game only if it was free
Don’t get me wrong it’s still as fun as it used to be and I’m still enjoying the online and having a blast with its outstanding soundtrack and lovable and known charterers from Konami’s iconic games
They addded unasked for story mood which is an ok but not required at all I wish if they just focus fully with its multiplayer and made it free it has all the elements to be successful Online game

I played the JPN version of this, DDR Disney's rave, and since IGDB wants to combine regional variants of some games it do mean I'm probably going to have to review this twice once I get to playing the US version, as it do have a different setlist n whatnot.

Anyways, this game did not need to go as hard as it did. What the absolute HELL is this setlist???? Disney Eurobeat? The macarena?? let's groove??? TWILIGHT ZONE???? NIGHT OF FIRE?!?!?!?!????! it's like the fever dream you'd get waking up in disneyland after a night of clubbing. I don't really think the eurodance and disney audiences overlap but they sure went off anyways and im here for every moment of it ngl, I love dumb shit like this so much. My only gripe with it is that you have to input the mfin nuclear launch codes to unlock maniac difficulty and I ain't goin through that hassle so the charts can be a bit too easy at times. shoutouts to my boy ricky rat