Great gameplay and solid worldbuilding meet cardboard cutout characters.

A testament to what to Star Wars can be in RPG form. There's a reason why many consider this to be the best Star Wars game.

Repeating levels was never gonna be a great idea, but the game is still a fun ride.

A odd duck among the rest of DMC, but that's what makes it good one.

It baffles me that they thought these games needed a Kaiju mode and 2D stealth sections. Story is boring and insulting to Bayonetta as a character.

Imperfect but full of style. A true successor to DMC.

I don't think this has been topped yet for me. Peak action combat and a good story to boot. How a PS2 game can do that I'm not sure...

When your protagonist is so bad that it doesn't you want to play, there's a problem.

While I appreciate it as a foundation for Dark Souls, it's just ok...

Best Souls game. Perfect atmosphere. Perfect interactive storytelling. I want a sequel more than anything.

There's nothing else like it, and while it's not perfect, the experience is unforgettable.

Best bosses in the franchise