Completely forgot I even played this shit. This would probably be the best FF gacha game, but alas, it's not the one with a Valkyrie Profile collab.

Fuckin loved this game when I was younger. Never got a subscription, though.

As generous as it is, it does not absolve it from being boring as fuck.

As far as I remember, it’s basically just Mega Man X1 2. Pretty good, just like X1.

Absolutely remarkable 2D rogue-like. I tried it a few years ago and I got bored of it quickly, before even getting the first boss cell. But I picked it up again and played all the way through to the secrete ending, and had a blast. It's very satisfying to play; carefully rolling through and parrying attacks to methodically tear apart waves of enemies. There's lots of different weapons to use, and runs are fairly consistent. Some may call this a negative, but they're too hung up on the "rogue-like" side of things. I don't want to be stuck with shitty weapons or a boring run because of bad RNG, and thankfully, in Dead Cells, this won't happen. It's perfectly replayable too, with you unlocking higher difficulty levels that change up enemies, make things less forgiving, and even open up new areas. The game looks and sounds great too.

Brave Frontier but without the 2014 early gacha magic. I tried it at launch, but dropped it pretty quickly afterwards. It did have a Valkyrie Profile collab though, which makes it the best FF gacha game.

playing the dream minigames with my siblings via ds download play was fun

this game is the reason why im so fucking smart

Green Hill Zone was the only good zone in this entire game.



Played the first two zones (and an act of the third) and resolved myself never to touch this shit again. People weren't lying when they said the game was filled to the brim with bullshit enemy and obstacle placement. Even ignoring that, the game just wasn't fun to play, period.

Nexon is literally Hitler dude

This game just straight up sucks. Garbage hub world, slippery controls, boring as fuck levels, even more braindead bosses, man what a disaster of a game. Maybe it'd be enjoyable if I was the kind of person that found joy in mashing cubes into circular holes, but I'm not. Music is the one good thing about this trash heap though, but it's nowhere near good enough to redeem it.

Got halfway through the game and decided to drop it. Really wanted to like it but man it just didn't hook me. Gameplay got really repetitive (can't expect too much from an SNES ARPG but still), and the story started off cool but went nowhere after the beginning of the game.

i should have played the snes version