this shit was so bad that it died almost instantly

First half of the game up through Anor Londo and the DLC was so fucking good. The latter half of the game was pretty good but not as good.

Best classic sonic game. Don't know why they included Oil Ocean though. Wish it had way more original stages, the new stages were pretty much entirely better than the returning stages from earlier Sonic games.

played da multiplayer wif my friends a few tiem

i was a world class PR2 champion

Fun, but very short metroidvania. The time stop mechanic was so much fun to play around with, but at the same time, it also makes me wish that the game had more meat on its bones. The level design was good too, but the metroidvania elements almost felt like an afterthought, with you not having much reason or opportunity to backtrack with new powers. Just like the original Touhou games, the best part of this game were the boss fights and the musics. The remixes of various Touhou songs were brilliant, and the bosses were great to fight, especially in conjunction with the graze and time manipulation mechanics. As I said before, it's a good game, but I just wish there was more to it. Maybe we'll get a sequel with a PCB and/or IN campaign.

Pretty good but I felt like something was missing

Formerly my favorite Metroidvania. Really fun to play, even if it is on the easy side. Soundtrack absolutely jams too, although I wish the Inverted Castle had more variety of music.

Very charming game. Party Chat was the best part of the game and the story was so cool too.

Pretty unique turn-based JRPG for the 3DS, directed by THE Yasumi Matsuno, responsible for the Ivalice games, Tactics Ogre, etc. It's really short for a JRPG, with NG and NG+ being only 16 hours total (for me), but I don't mind. It looks like it's heavily inspired by tabletop RPGs, what with the characters all being board pieces, the style of narration, and the significance of dice in gameplay. Combat is mostly your typical turn-based fare, with the addition of the dice system that lets you roll dice to determine whether or not attacks hit. Character customization and managing equipment is pretty fun too. It's not too deep in the writing department, but I enjoyed everything it had to offer.

Nothing about this game is noteworthy aside from the gameplay, but besides liberation missions, the gameplay is really fun.

Really great game. While not quite as refined as Zero 2 or 3, the core gameplay and level design was still a lot of fun. However, I did find some of the changes and new mechanics a bit disagreeable though. The part system managed to be almost as obtuse as X5's, the new cyberelf system removed the fun of collecting them, the change in EX skill acquisition was dumb, etc. The removal of elemental chips was genius though, as it alleviates the franchise's long-standing issue with weakness abuse sucking the fun out of bosses. Serves as an amazing epilogue to the Zero series, too.

I played this shit so much when I was a kid, you don't even know. I still even have the Didj with the original cart. It's hard to describe, in retrospect, it's a scuffed, fangame-tier "classic" Sonic game with some educational shit shoehorned in. But I fucking loved it.