welcome to the jungle dud xqcL


I remember hearing xi - halcyon in a Maplestory bossing video once (Angelic Buster, I think?) when I was a kid. And the rest was history

(I played 20 minutes of this game).

i should have played the snes version

Played the Steam version's hard mode, and it turns out that cranking up the damage you do, and making it so that you die in 1-3 hits makes the game a lot faster paced and a lot harder. Would definitely recommend it, but only after playing the game once normally.

It greatly boosts the amount of kudos you get naturally too, so you don't have to worry about the ranking system too much. Though it's not very fair for me to knock the ranking system when I didn't engage with it too much.

Really fun SRPG. The writing is fucking gorgeous, and you can have a lot of fun with the sheer variety of builds and job combos you can have. Very grindy, though, and my main gripe is that you won't get enough job points through normal play, without grinding. Do NOT play the PS1 version.

Got halfway through the game and decided to drop it. Really wanted to like it but man it just didn't hook me. Gameplay got really repetitive (can't expect too much from an SNES ARPG but still), and the story started off cool but went nowhere after the beginning of the game.

Green Hill Zone was the only good zone in this entire game.

this game is the reason why im so fucking smart

Pretty good but I felt like something was missing

Very charming game. Party Chat was the best part of the game and the story was so cool too.

Really great game. While not quite as refined as Zero 2 or 3, the core gameplay and level design was still a lot of fun. However, I did find some of the changes and new mechanics a bit disagreeable though. The part system managed to be almost as obtuse as X5's, the new cyberelf system removed the fun of collecting them, the change in EX skill acquisition was dumb, etc. The removal of elemental chips was genius though, as it alleviates the franchise's long-standing issue with weakness abuse sucking the fun out of bosses. Serves as an amazing epilogue to the Zero series, too.

playing the dream minigames with my siblings via ds download play was fun

This game just straight up sucks. Garbage hub world, slippery controls, boring as fuck levels, even more braindead bosses, man what a disaster of a game. Maybe it'd be enjoyable if I was the kind of person that found joy in mashing cubes into circular holes, but I'm not. Music is the one good thing about this trash heap though, but it's nowhere near good enough to redeem it.

First half of the game up through Anor Londo and the DLC was so fucking good. The latter half of the game was pretty good but not as good.

Formerly my favorite Metroidvania. Really fun to play, even if it is on the easy side. Soundtrack absolutely jams too, although I wish the Inverted Castle had more variety of music.