Played the first two zones (and an act of the third) and resolved myself never to touch this shit again. People weren't lying when they said the game was filled to the brim with bullshit enemy and obstacle placement. Even ignoring that, the game just wasn't fun to play, period.

Brave Frontier but without the 2014 early gacha magic. I tried it at launch, but dropped it pretty quickly afterwards. It did have a Valkyrie Profile collab though, which makes it the best FF gacha game.

Pretty good game, better than its predecessors. Music absolutely slaps, and the game mostly fun to play.

Borrowed this from the library one day. Played it for a bit, it was okay I guess.

HUGE step up from Sonic 1(but that's not saying much). Decent game that was pretty fun at times, at least until you get to metropolis zone. Then the game absolutely shits the bed, but not quite to sonic 1 levels.

very cool metroidvania, i love the freedom the game gives you and its just a lot of fun to play.

2nd best game in the Mega Man franchise. I appreciate it more and more with every replay. Weapon levels may still exist, but it's faaaar less grindy than Zero 1; you can reasonably max them out this time. It's got extremely satisfying platforming, bosses and enemy design, with the best level of difficulty in the series. Best soundtrack in the zero series too.

And no, there is nothing wrong with the system for gaining EX skills. This isn't the X series anymore; they're cool bonuses that complement the ranking system, rewarding you for playing well. And besides, if you MUST have them without putting in the effort, there's always the A-rank cyberelves to help you nab a few.

Best game in the X series, mostly for the inclusion of Zero as a proper playable character. Even easier than the previous X games, and those were EASY. Last few stages kinda dropped the ball too. But at any rate, it was still really fun to play.

best shovel knight campaign (king of cards pending)

Pretty good game. The metroidvania structure really doesn't work, and it's compounded by that wack ass map. Otherwise, the game is pretty fun, and I love the OST. Biometal transformations are a cool concept, but you'll likely just end up using model ZX and model H (and model L in the water) all the time. As usual, Inti-creates' bosses continued their steady increase in quality, and at this point, you have some of the best bosses in the Mega Man franchise (though that's not a very high bar when it comes to classic MM and MMX). Story isn't as cool as it was in the Zero series, though.

Oh, and Model Ox is the coolest armor/upgrade in the entire franchise. Bar fucking none.

this shit was so bad that it died almost instantly

Real solid game in almost every single way.

Not sure why no one ever mentions this, but all the backtracking and general effort required to get all the upgrades is tedious as fuck, especially when the endgame is balanced around a fully-powered X. It's a problem that has plagued the series since, and it started with this game. It completely destroys any replayability that the games would have had, too.

Other than that (and mediocre bosses), I have no other complaints. Good level design, great music.

Decent start to what would become the greatest series in the Mega Man franchise. Definitely has some bonehead decisions like the weird lives system, the grindy nature of cyberelves and weapon levels, and some mediocre levels, but at it's core it's still quite an enjoyable game if you can get past all of that.