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Bro if Special Episode 5 ended a couple minutes earlier, it probably would have been one of the most gut wrenching experiences I have ever had.

"Grovyle, please tell me... my life... did it shine?" Like hell nah bro that line fuckin broke me, I can't believe a Pokemon game is doing this to me

You know how civilizations and institutions are built upon the sacrifice and bloodshed of countless lives? As in, unjustifiable atrocities against one have been committed in the name another's prosperity? Histories, memories, Knowledge, entire Cultures have been struck down and scattered across the stars, forever lost to Time. For what? Just so we can build from the Dust that remains as we mutter a solemn Prayer; "It is what it is"?

If you think about it, the principle isn't so different for these games. In order to make a truly memorable experience, sacrifices have to be made; people must be left behind. The abject failures of game journalists and verified Twitter users across the globe serve as sweetening nectar for the victories and triumphs of determined players. I assure you, getting your ass completely beaten by lines of code is necessary in the grand scheme of things.

So to the filtered! Do not weep, rejoice! For on your backs, kino rises!

my buddy killbutt (he's the biggest tales fan in the world) told me it's the best game he's ever played. normally I wouldn't believe him (he's the biggest tales fan in the world), but he's friends with kanye west, and I really liked his work in the sopranos. so I'm inclined to agree; tales of arise is the greatest game in the

In a perfect world, Tales of would have died with Symphonia and Star Ocean would have been the franchise to survive and prosper.

No, I will NOT take my medication.

This review was written before the game released

Capcom makes worst logo ever

Asked to leave EVO

who wrote this fucking title? light novel lookin ass, stfu

>game says "Close your eyes"
>close them
>get a Game Over after a couple seconds

I remember learning about the Anti-Christ in school one day. According to ancient Mongolian legend, to signal the end of days, they would release a game episodically, with an unknown amount of chapters, and an unknown amount of time between each release. It seemed pretty weird to me, but I accepted it because it did sound like some terribly diabolical behavior. I'm glad no one does that though.

This review was written before the game released

The story is predictably boring and shallow, any form of depth that could be perceived in it has no real basis whatsoever and is only through rigorous over-analyzation by fans who haven’t had a single good Naughty Dog release in decades, all the characters with the exception of Tommy are badly written, not to mention the dialogue feels as if it’s been jotted down by an emotionless robot, the intrigue is stale and you have no real reason to care for either Joel nor Ellie.

The voice acting is as alive as a fish out of water, it’s completely monotonous, nobody talks like that unless they’re basement dwellers who haven’t had any form of social interaction in decades, no wonder gamers adore it.

The gameplay is awful, it’s existence is a disrespect to any videogame with well thought out and complex mechanics and controls. No. I don’t care for your made-up excuses such as “B-But Joel is a civilian who can’t handle weapons!” Not only is that a stupid form of applying logic to video game mechanics where they shouldn’t be applied, like in-gameplay zombie bites in Resident Evil turning you into a zombie, that would be a disastrously boring game and basically what The Last of Us ended up doing, but these design choices are not even intentional, there isn’t a single interview with any developer or director that says they are, you came up with these excuses to protect the game from any form of scrutiny and criticism because you’re manchildren who cannot handle any opposing opinion whatsoever.

Awfully kind of Capcom to put all the dogshit games in the second collection so we don't have to buy it.

"Yo, what if we made a Mega Man game that just isn't fun to play? Make sure it has boring yet frustrating level design, braindead bosses, obtuse systems, multiple unwinnable scenarios, and whatever terrible design decisions you can throw in. Oh but make sure the music is good."


Chrono Trigger if it played like Ys III and was actually as good as CT fans say it is.

Don't ever let anyone tell you that "soul" is dead. KEIZO poured his heart into this and it shows. I know everyone's already said this, but it really is a proof of life.

Mega Man fans are too receptive to Capcom's bullshit. Their sheer incompetence during the 7th gen has been well-documented, and all they've done since to rectify their countless missteps is a single Mega Man game. Despite the fanbase turning around and making MM11 the best-selling game in the franchise, we're at 5 years since its release, the 35th anniversary has came and went and Capcom has shown no sign of a new game. Instead, we got X Dive.

Now unlike most people, I'm no stranger to gacha games. I've tried many, and I've enjoyed many. As a result of my lack of seething hatred for them, I was more hopeful than most when the game was first announced. I went into it with an open mind, lasted about a week, and then dropped it out of boredom. It's not a good gacha game, nor is it an acceptable Mega Man game by any stretch of the imagination. Haphazard level design that felt AI-generated. Grindy progression that is simultaneously boring and tedious. Borderline incomprehensible english translation. From head to toe, the game hardly had any redeeming factors. Playing as various characters across the entire franchise would be neat, if not for the fact that playing the game itself is a complete slog. I would genuinely rather beat X6 and X7 back-to-back than consider booting this garbage up again. And then they had the gall to charge 30 bucks for this slop, despite essentially just removing the gacha system and leaving the rest of the game's myriad problems. You can buy entire series' in the franchise for that price.

The existence of the game is damn near insulting. Hell, we can't even say the game is funding new projects, like the Star Ocean gacha or Fate/Grand Order did, given the game failed and died after a woeful 2-3 years (and there are no new projects to speak of). Not to mention they're making and selling NFTs to promote it too.

It's basically another episode of Bad Boxart Mega Man. The fanservice at least could've been cool if it weren't for Capcom's continued incompetence and the franchise circling the drain. And if I hear one more Capcom cockguzzler say "this should be the standard for mobages", you're gonna see me on the evening news.

You're not a REAL Touhou fan until you beat Kaguya, die to her Last Spells and have time run out, and then ask someone else if your clear still counts.

You know I just realized that Overwatch porn keeping OW alive is like a watered down version of what happened to TF2. TF2 fans hype this legitimately dead game so much and everyone believes them because the YouTube animations are funny.